Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

How’s the F/A-18C early right now, did they give it 120 cms or remain at 60 cms but add single drop capabilities @Smin1080p_WT

“were the cavalierly, it would be bad form to arrive to early”

120 + single drop I think

Oh sick I can post again, Smin has already said it’ll have Phimat

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1x Phimat is a start, but it replaces a Aim-9L, so its 3x 9Ls + 60 flares + 216 large chaff at the same BR as the Su-39 with 2x R-73s, 192 CMs and IRCM (also the Vikhrs if you know what you are doing, i’ve seen them get kills vs F-16s with those) .

Rather sucks still


I think 1-2 bol pods wouldn’t be too much of an ask imo.
I’m probably still going to grab it, I’m a simple woman, lov’ me harriers, but eh, tis what it is.

Hopefully they give us some nice skins for it


Yeah, 100% understand not giving it 4 for “balancing reasons” but none is insane.

Especially given the other attackers at and around the same BR


I think they really messed up by simply choosing the T.10, I think the Gr.5 would’ve been a better choice. sure it didn’t have a targeting pod, but I’d rather have that than something so doomed from the start, regardless of it having some extra ground pound options.

The air to ground is the same 4x AGM-65Gs.

Either way it should be 11.7 for ground, and whatever Sea Harrier is for air.

I’m adding T.10 to my wishlist alongside Type 74.
Coolest premiums of the update so far.

For A2A there is basically no difference. If anything the T10 might be better equipped. For A2G as a premium for GRB CAS, T10 is the better choice. It also looks rather unique. So I dont have an issue with the T10 choice, and it cool to have a Trainer Harrier (they look awesome)

The isuse is they seem to have no grasp of balance

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Sea Harrier is 11.0, so the T10 at the moment is somehow higher.

GRB, yeah 11.3 or 11.7 it doesnt matter, we only have 11.7 tanks and no 11.3. but given the Tornado Gr1 is probably better overall, and is 11.3…

Though would be nice to get TIALD fixed at some point and like the Gr7 its missing its GPS guided bombs and outer Pylon AGM-65s

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Same engine as the GR7 unfortunately. So probably correct. But does add to the argument of getting BOL when compared to the AV-8B(NA)


I would have understood adding 4 BOL and removing its MAW for balance (which would rely on MK.1 eyeballs like everyone else

But no BOL? It really sucks since the harrier should be running cold as ice and only need 1 pop for each missile. But we have the worst gen 2 harrier engine and airframe, with the least amount of countermeasures.

I love how the F/A-18 and F16 premium for other nations is a straight upgrade from tech tree stuff at the same BR, but the UK struggles to get a premium that can match a premium in another tech tree


Given the A-10C has 480 CMs and all-aspect MAWS at 11.7 or the IRCM + 192 CMs on the Su-39 at 11.3. I dont think the rear-aspect MAWS on the T-10 is actually even note worthy.

But 60 CMs at the same BR as the AV-8B(NA) with 180, All while the AV-8B(NA) has the better engine and maybe better RWR?

Its frustrating. Sea Harrier FRS1 is a more viable aircraft for ARB at 11.0 currently, especially if it gets EEGS this update


A-10C doesn’t get a MAWS

edit: Wait no it’s just not labelled in game, Wonderful lmao

Nah I think it remained 60, not sure if gaijin is gonna change that

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8.7 match war thunder accurate

Probably need the Mod for it to appear in the preview

I bet you within this year everyone will get a variant of the F-16 and Mig-29 as a premium.

Its so annoying that we even have to discuss this.

This confirms that whoever is balancing these aircraft does NOT play the harriers(or even the game for that fact). The AV8S has more countermeasures then this currently and its a 9.7? Does that mean it needs to move to 12.0

Literally the ONE new aircraft i was really excited for and its getting shafted. Hate being a fan of the UK tree …