Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

It’s too bad that they refuse to artificially nerf USSR things

Infinite health bombing target also made teamkilling less prevelant and reduces toxicity in extension, there would also be more loadouts that takes more fuel and A2A weapons since they do not need to rush for a target, and in turn increases the activity in air engagements


tbf this isnt even artificial. Its all real weapons they can use immediately with minimal remodelling needed lol

Yeah, it would certainly be worth a trial

I mean, they could just apply the same treatment they gave to the Brimstones to the Kh-38 and get rid of the MT variant. Would be a starting point at least, but hey, we are just plebians that don’t know anything about game balancing.


Hmmm, missed the moment then Kh-38 can be locked with radar and fired while a single jet can carry almost a dozen of them

Yeah but then people would make way too much from base bombing, and that hurts… well y’know.
Or even worse they’d nerf it to the ground, from what i remember from farming in the tornado 2 bases was 1.5 kills?

You really gonna defend the Kh-38, huh?

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Nah. My issue is “Same treatment”. Brimstone is not in the same league with Kh-38

Correct. brimstones are massively weaker at the moment


Deleting and reinstalling got it working again for me on the latest devserver version.

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It would be the same treatment. They said the Brimstones full capability would be too much, so they limited it to SALH.
So, admitting that the Kh-38MT is too strong for the current game balance and only keeping the Kh-38ML would be the same treatment.


And if they had their intended/full functional? Then balance shifts the opposite and we are back at the same place, but this time “Reds” complain about “Blues” and their overpowered weaponry. Thats some Catch 22 moment

Me still holding out for the US to invest in the R upgrade.

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Who was this posted by? Originally. The stars look odd.

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@Smin1080p_WT @gromvoiny can you guys comment if the Tigre HAD/E (Spanish Premium Tiger) will be an Pre-Order or an normal pack which releases when the Patch goes live?

Also, will it be on launch also in the PlayStation Store be aviable or weeks later at earlyest?

Thanks. I’ll give it a go

Truth be told looking at the installer I have still on my HDD, I might have still been running the CDK build from July rather than the newer November one anyway

Ed:- reinstalling CDK with the Nov build worked

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No, one bases was equal to three kills. Let say the bombing reward remains the same in a condition with infinite target health, and also buff the kill rewards to that equal to 1 ton of munitions dropped, people would be incentivized to bring both type of munitions into the battle. There is no need to rush with less bombs, and more rewards will be given for dogfighting participation.
Even some of the better players insisted on dropping bombs with like 10 KD its bc it offers more reward, not bc it is easy.

Well, sadly its real



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I didnt remember

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