Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Would force you to climb up well inside of air defence range

you pretty much hug the ground until a second or two before release, now IDK the exact range you’d get but you’d be pretty safe until the nuke exploded

lmao even

Plenty of maps don’t allow SPAAs/SAMs to intercept even the earliest nuke carriers and even on the maps that don’t severely limit the effectiveness of AA systems planes can just easily follow the terrain to avoid enemy air defences

Isn’t that suppression enough though? You are basically forced to hug ground until last second

The drop area seems to be quite large on most maps. I’ve had plenty of situations where the nuke carriers only had to show themselves for a second, if at all

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Did they update the ammo count and flares again?

You think it is somehow problematic for the nuke carriers that they cannot climb?
There is no altitude requirement to drop the nuke, even if they could climb, they still wouldn’t.

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Just replace current bases with infinite health and spread base destruction rewards over damage. Additionally buff kill rewards so people who wants to go for kills are not held back by the thought of grind.


Honestly even with how much better this would be I cannot see Gaijin doing this. Personally I see them lowering rewards for bombing to discourage everyone from trying to bomb whilst keeping the kill rewards the same.

B-29 is still fun to play as by the time you hit the base your about 4-5km up making it so a lot of the german fighters pretty sluggish and easy kills for the 50cals

The 18C Late now has 120 counters that are single deploy


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single drop countermeasures for F-16s too when

These artworks are part of the diorama for the new oil refinery bombing targets:

They turn the basic flat texture into a 3D one:

All F/A-18s have single deploy CMs now which is a nice change, the C Early looks like it’s going to stay at 60 though

Is the CDK/Asset Viewer now going to need updating when Hornet Sting comes out?
Opening with Dev seems to results in Exception Occured crash, but worked yesterday with

Still small caliber?

Yeah, thought about that too

Does the premium F18 have HMS?

It’s a more important change for the earlier two I think, single pop flares and chaff are useful at 12.7, not so much at 14.0

It doesn’t, though no modern US jet should really, JHMCS was developed to better utilize the AIM-9X, the US didn’t really use HMS before that much.

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thoughts guys?