None of this is relivant to the context of what I was answering, nor does it change the facts or the answer. It seems to be trying to make a different point entirely.
American aircraft have been superior to Russian aircraft since Airial Superiority and the Su-30 provides Russia with a counterbalance 14.0 jet.
You clearly have not played each nation’s MBT to think of such a thing, the Abrams even with the turret basket is gonna keep staying one of the best top tier MBTs
you can try to dodge the point if you want, but you know this is in coloration to the fact the Soviets have locked both the Italians and British out of a Battleship yet have more 7.0s then both nations combined
last I checked Germany and Japan also had rather Large navies compared to the soviets so its expected that they would have more ships, yet some how the Soviets have a larger top tier line up then, Britian, Italy, France and even the US. you quite literally named the only 2 nations that have more ships and their ships are their own not trophy ships.
Edit: Sorry even germany have less 7.0 the literal only nation with more tech tree 7.0s then the Soviets was Japan, the Soviets didnt need Royal Sovereign or Giulio Cesare
Can we get the Harrier 1 virtual instructor to allow a reasonable AOA limit.
Right now it restricts the Harriers AOA by an unreasonable amount. It’s not fair or reasonable to restrict a fighter aircraft’s AOA to below buffet onset when other fighters can pull into heavy buffet with virtual instructor.
Trust me bro you dont want that, i would much rather have a towed Rapier with the stock proxy fuze missile and no Radar or Shorland S.53 with Starburst for 9.3/9.7
wouldnt dare to call Belgian F-16AM best 13.7 falcon
sure you are lighter because you are flying the A model, but you trade having an actual hmd for the radar and stronger engine, its as strong as the F-16C if anything
best 13.0 eagle: F-15J (JP)
meanwhile it has a bit faster 9M’s in its kit(which also means it turns a bit worse then 9m cause its going faster), you are trading the gbu-8’s for it, for air rb thats nothing but for other gamemodes it would be nice to have some kind of precision guided weapons.
best strike eagle: F-15I (IL)
E and I are basically identical, the only difference is literally the engine covers on I giving it like 1% reduced drag.
best phantom: F-4F KWS LV (DE)
by far not true when it comes to performance by br, would say isr F4E takes the cake for the best phantom having 9G’s instead of 9J’s like the american E, but both are still performing really well at their br’s