Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

You are one person. Not the majority, the snail requires large pools of wealth

Does japan get a single thing in this hornet sting update ?

Hey better than a civil war xD


Was boutta send that.
Sucks that he’s the one eating flak after the devs “cook”.

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Do you have any knowledge of the F-14A IRIAF being able to use 6 Fakours? I mean this is irrefutable evidence that’s been ignored for half a year.


Cook? Idk about that lmao

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This is a very strange criteria. Its been over 10 years since the BR the Harry Hopkins Mk.I fits into existed. It doesn’t mean we only add additions to the top BR of the time. Additions come across all BRs.

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Hence quotation marks.

seems like a preference in tech trees to me honestly.

when the devs were researching the RS to be made they cant not have spotted that Britain was in greater need of that British made vessel than the russians. This was a deliberate choice which would have obviously caused controversies and ignored the tree inbalances

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I know, was just adding to it.

Burnt update lmao

yea but the hopkins is an obscure tank. the Rapier system and especially the tracked rapier is far from being obscure as it was a major part of britains air defence for decades.

like I said :

Eh. A waste, the words “Quality of life” are again being used for something not a single sentient person asked for and instead of some love for the old existing stuff and maybe a solid balance patch we get omega trash ( in general, probs the only things i like r the low tier additions).

Tbh, this is kinda pure cope from you. Your just making stuff up and whenever I point any of it out you just say “what would you know” or some stuff like that.

The MLU 2 will not be the higher BR than a late USMC hornet that I would assume it would come with.

Unless it gets 9X and AIM-120C-7 or D, it’s not being F-22 BR either

New boats are huge steps up from their original models so definitely a plus. But yeah this update is essentially pandering to the US and Russia while giving the middle finger to basically everyone else. Couldn’t even nodel the 50 cal on my Rapier, unless its been change since last i saw.

We don’t only focus on the fame of a given vehicle as it’s criteria. There are plenty of examples of famous vehicles for a given nation that came after thier BR was not at the top.

Was more so making fun of the fact that gaijin essentially refuses to add higher BR’s for vehicles unless the community screams loud enough. I mean we have multiple examples of times where the .3 BR change was not enough for that statement to be entirely true.

You also forget how likely it is for gaijin to leave the US Hornet late C model at 14.0 and add the E model to fill the role while the MLU 2 sits at the same BR as the E or a Late C with AESA because the MLU 2 will likely have 9X

@Smin1080p_WT it’s 2 in the morning and it’s Tuesday. How can you do this 😭

That’s precisely why HMS Rodney was added in the same Major update and Warspite the update after.

Not to mention, as already stated, other Revenge Class ships are possible for the British tree. Let alone further BBs in general. Russia has a much more limited pool of Battleships.

Would be boring to only have the most famous examples. We wouldn’t have fox or T77e1 if that was the soul focus. Taking the better part of a decade to fill gaps in trees with the vehicle the playerbase has asked for to specifically fill that gap is a strange order of priority.