Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

arguably long overdue considering for multiple patches germany has had the byarn which was built as the counter to the QE class not the equivalent

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Which is why im asking for it to only receive the MLU 2 A2G munitions. Not the HMS nor the BOL. Just the limited A2G

This is not a comparison at all. There is only one variant of SAAF Gripen to add. The Finnish F-18 / F/A-18s are different variants entirely. The early one has no CAS capacity. Later upgrades are entirely different with a multitude of changes. Not just a software upgrade.

What about squadron vehicle? More accessible

Probably already planned, its already too likely to not happen or be added as a Prem lmao

We received a second accessible top tier battleship, USSR received their fifth it comes off as the less fleshed out tree taking a far lower priority over the very fleshed out one

. Lets not include event ships in the discussion, they were needed to actually fill out the normal ranks but now they are unobtainable to myself and every other player permanently. Once I get to top tier naval with Britain in order to play a full match I will always be required to use a backup or take a ship into a higher BR, this isn’t a fair experience

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Why hasnt the MPMS been include its been suggested for close to 4 years or something why not include it now. We have spike 2s already ?>

Nah how about a three front pack but Nordic style with a Finnish Hornet, Norwegian F-16 and a Viggen lmao

Which is why those indian additions shouldnt hsve happened

Gotta make money and deny multiple players from access. Thats how the snail works. Look at the Boxer or Patria

Please try to stay on topic. This is going quite far off now.

Not enough players even play the air tree to warrant that. The US would be the best candidate. Just add Maverick skin for another F18

How is that off topic this is a rumor round up. And Mpms is a suggestion that has been ignored. I would like a reason it has been passed over for years ?

They were directly requested by players in feedback. So sadly its a case of not pleasing everyone no matter which way is taken.

which brings up the question why did russia need it, they at the time had quadruple the 7.0s the UK had and arguably better ones as well

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wdym I’d pay for that : 3

This topic is a Rumor Roundup for the next major update, Hornet Sting.

If you want to wishlist, there is a topic for that.

(Poor Smin… 😭)


Its been seven years since the BRs Rapier fits into were added into war thunder. Theres a substantial amount of the playerbase younger than that.

I appreciate weirder vehicles appearing in WT but its very very odd for the famous ones to be added near a decade after less known examples

Some things never change ))