Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

To be fair that was mostly indians and the Japanese own inability to remember that ‘supplies’ should be a thing that exists

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Yes but the brits provided much needed air support

Wait a minute, Didn’t gaijin add the leaked DTC10-125 into the game a short while after the leak to the ZTZ?

With 200mm less pen than the leak said it should have, so they didn’t actually use any of the info from the leak.

Britain was a superpower in naval might and finance, not boots on ground strength. Anyone with an ounce of historical knowledge about Britain knows this.

Youve also discarded defence of the raj and the burma campaign where British forces fought valiantly against an army that was (in a climate sense) playing from home advantage.

Im once again offering to disect every failure of your nation of origin as you’re doing nothing but insult mine

If you knew anything of history you’d know this answer.

Youre claiming to be the victim of a “mafia” of players because you have frequently dumped on a popular nation to plays potential future additions

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Still rude to ignore everyone else involved in the effort, IIRC something like 1/4-1/3rd of the Force were British at times and also had multiple African regiments as well (not to forget canadians, and so on, massively multi national force).

If chaps can move on from belittling people who went through horrors that would be grand too…


Same thing can be said for the Germans, that could never be wrong and yet when we point something wrong out, they go on a hissy fit.

But what I see here is a lot of hate for no reason. People can have the right to ask for stuff and nations to be represented in one place.

All we ask if you don’t agree with that then leave it, don’t go on a hate train and vilify a group because if a disagreement.


so you can vilify the german mains but when someone vilify your group , you cant take it and finally go on about " if you dont agree then leave it dont go hatin"

its funny because, while i dont support the ger/usa/ru mains, that same sentence you put out can be applied to… you and your group who has been vilifying the usa/ger/ru mains.

maybe … take your own advice?

I was using that as an example

Y’all are gonna get the thread locked again.

Are we still on this? Smin, if you’re reading this, I’m getting dizzy again.

You appear to be a japan main tho which does show you have a preference in where singapore could go.

is you are reffering to the PL-8B yea its not accurate every missile in game is not accurate and they do this on purpose PL-8B its a 2006 missile it entered production in that year with much newer tecnology compared to a Python-4, AAM-3, R-73 in the covert disclosure N3 they said we dont think that adding the PL-8B is a great idea because it would be better than what we have now and yet just a few months later they add it with a gatewidth IRCCM let me be clear the PL-8B have a Multielement seeker like the TY-90, PL-9C, PL-5E-II but this does not hold gaijin of introducing it chosing one IRCCM of the 2 types present right now soo… the question is why they cannot do the same with example Python-4? or is that exist some type of bias or special treatment just for some nations?

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The canadian contribution to the pacific war was hong kong afaik

~also annihilating an entire American battalion on kiska by accident but hey~

Nah I hate the hypocrisy of it. US/DE/RU players can claim whatever. Just they can’t say that Britain is claiming the world when they also claim Aus/Can/Ost/Pol/Ukr. Russians are the most reasonable in that regard. I haven’t seen Ru mains claim anything other than Eastern Bloc countries.
Us doesn’t need a sub
Ger can have Austria and Switzerland
Russia can have eastern bloc
I’m not saying they can’t have these things. I’m saying don’t say “Britain can’t have Canada they’re claiming the world” and then say “Canada should come to Germany/America” in the same breath


Britain was a superpower in naval might and finance, not boots on ground strength. Anyone with an ounce of historical knowledge about Britain knows this.

and you still lose to the japanese in naval.

Youve also discarded defence of the raj and the burma campaign where British forces fought valiantly against an army that was (in a climate sense) playing from home advantage.

again, this is in context with singapore and that region, but sure, yall did so well in the indian places, you already have india as sub tree, what else you want?

Im once again offering to disect every failure of your nation of origin as you’re doing nothing but insult mine

and goooooooooo ahead, but know that the blunder is bigger on your nation still because you were the superpower, you were the “empire where the sun never sets”, you were suppose to be the powerful one until… you werent when some japanese came

If you knew anything of history you’d know this answer.

Youre claiming to be the victim of a “mafia” of players because you have frequently dumped on a popular nation to plays potential future additions

and ger/usa/ru are popular nations, we dump them too, why wont I dump on the uk players when they get greedy like the ger/usa/ru players?

That ^^^^^^^

That’s all we ask

My Great uncle was one of the British soldiers that fought the Japanese out there so I appreciate the noting of their presence

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i mainly play air, I have US, RU, israel, japan, to top tier. my sweden is also rank 5 or something, im also trying to grind china. frankly i couldnt care less where singapore goes. in fact israel makes the most sense to me

My great Grandad fought in Burma again the Japanese and was captured thankfully he made it out alive.