Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

My face when the tree is called “Great Britain” and not “Commonwealth of Nations” lol


Ignore him dude

If i had a penny for every awful take or trolly comment he had id have 200 acres of land

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And so it continues…


Sadly crew can often state something and the opposite turns out to be factual. We are not asking for any classified material and will never under any circumstances accept / use such. But secondary sources of some kind must be possible to show in order to clarify. Sadly we do not accept interviews.

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Says the one with a hate boner lol

Best counter-argument from uk supporter. LOL. At least have an actual , non childish valid counter point. Did you ran out or something? I have seen many uk mains who had put up better arguments and argued for far longer LMAO



Welp i guess it’s time for me to engage reasearch that will take all my day and night then ( i hope not )



I hungy


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Japan taking Singapore during ww2 doesnt take away from their restoration to British rule. Im not even going to touch the idea of Singapore going to japan with how evil the Japanese were there, I don’t mention japan to my cantonese friends for very very good reason.

Singapore was had pretty decent coastal defences, the Japanese intercepted a letter which basically told them precisely where to attack from.

You just have an agenda against Britain and our descendant nations and will take even the most disgraceful opinions and stances to discredit anything related to it



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Sosig thread throwback.

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I was on the loo so I needed to be quick lol


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I mean the German’s can’t be called saints either, anyone else still remembers Germany suffers memes

I do but thats not relevant here 💅

Personally i think singapore should go to israel since they cooperate so much and are about the only people other than the America that the Israelis havent done something to piss off

That and Chile we can agree on

I absolutely do not agree on chile lmfao