Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Ah, no I dont think thats MFD stuff. That is the weapon selection being printed in the actual cockpit HUD as part of the new HUD I think

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I dont think anyone has asked for 18x FnF Brimstones within GRB/GSB. But I would ask for a mitigation method that didnt limit them outside of those gamemodes like ASB. Where their power isnt all that different to GBU-39s

At a bare minimum. (SAL Only) Brimstone 2s need to be added

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Or stealth cruise missiles the Panstir can’t even lock onto

Maybe limit to JSOW for balance

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Well, they honestly should work on having weapons limitations for the different modes anyways.

This would allow people to use their precious (H)ARMs and stuff like cluster bombs in modes where they wouldn’t completely ruin the experience for other players.

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Mate, you are completely cooked.

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Yeah, would resolve a lot of issues. But failing that, just having the SP cost increase massively after 6x Brimstones taken would also work too

It would be very fair since basically everyone has them

I don’t know where they got 18 from anyways, I’m pretty sure they RAF only ever run 12 at most, given that one of the pylons on each wing is usually taken up by a fuel tank or Storm Shadow.

I think 12 FnF Brimstone 1s, with their very low speed and low yield would be ok, not perfect, but ok, and even though I assume that 18 is technically accurate, I’d be fine with them limiting that second wing pylon to just fuel if it meant we could have accurate Brimstones

I’m not even gonna try to argue with you about this. No point trying to.

Dunno, 12 seems excessive to me, they should just try 6 first and expand on that later on if FnF Brimstones actually end up being too weak.

6 FnF with 4x PW4s would be more than enough on the Typhoon.

9 FnF on the Gr4 I dont think would be unreasonable given its other limitations, but that is balancing that can be fine tuned at a later date


The AGM-84E should loft up after skimming the ground and be nearly top attack and I get its slower but at 15+ km itll be faster

With latest air defence then?

Nope, the fair thing would be a universal buff to SPAA and a universal nerf to CAS.

This way CAS stops being a crutch that people rely on to actually get their easy kills.

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You guys add another su30 to shoot from spawn in ground rb but still no spaa for some minor nations? @Smin1080p_WT Where is the spaa for israel

Then reduce SP cost of CAS

Why reduce the cost of abusive cas in ground WHY the anti air of ground is already not up to the challenge

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Nah, like I said: “if you want your easy kills, git gud at the game instead of relying on an easy mode crutch like CAS”.


And gaijin has allegedly said they ARE TESTING HEAVY SAMS which we didnt see any of that in the trailer

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so what about the other planes that get these radars. literally the 2 new top tiers for example -_-