Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

yep clearly lol, kinda goofy that we get 18 of them and 6 KH38MTs are still far more likely to get more kills

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I think i can answer that question:

“We are working on it!”,
“In the future, such machines will be added.”,
“Not every nation has such abilities.”,

But no matter the answer, most nations will not receive a counter this year, only the US and RU will receive such SPAA’S.
The Tan-Sam, the vehicle which would benefit the most, will likely get it as last. Just like a 14.0 fighter jet for Japan. Or any domestic plane/tank/helicopter at all.


Vt-5 is a sqdr vehicle and pl-8s got I think magic 2 irccm ( it should have seeker shutoff and better thrust )

@Smin1080p_WT is there any update from the devs if the F/A-18C will be receiving thr AGM-84E SLAM?

yeah not happening lmao

We literally already have missiles like this. It will be exactly like the Kh-38T except slower but with the 15-20km range. Anything beyond that is with IOG and GPS.


the max range of any missile in game is 20km your asking for 110km that is not the same

Is that so? We literally already have weaponry like this. Can you use the Kh-38MT or ML at 70km? No


and they get no where near that in game you still would have almost double the range (so something about 30-35km in game) which the US really doesnt need not until everyone has Spaa that can hit up to 20km anyway

harrier T.10 supremacy!

any news on if it’ll be an AV8B(NA) equivalent with the 9L but 11.3 (11.7 in sim) or GR.7 standard with 9M and 12.3 (12.7 in sim)

just curious :)

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It will not and even if it did just like the Kh-38 they will limit its range to 20km


T.3 Typhoon >>> anything from other nations!

I dont really want anything from india and would be VERY happy if gaijin just made india its own seperate tree and moved the 2 aircraft and few tanks over to the new tree!

the game really isnt ready for AGMs with ranges past 100km even if they cap it, at 20km that will just result in people complaining about how its really slow and that its unhistorical

Wait for the news moment inbound.

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Its unhistorical for the Kh-38MT to be limited so hard. I dont get why thr US can’t get its equivalent because ooo its going to be unhistorical and too long of range when other countries can get similar ranged weaponry and its fine.

and ive been saying for ages the KH-38MT shouldn’t even be in the game so im not gonna suddenly settle for the US also getting a weapon no one has hope of fighting back against

New datamines
Btw @Morvran it seems like the SHAR is getting detailed MFD as well

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Then say that say both shouldnt be in the game which is a valid opinion but as long as the Kh-38 is in the game the AGM-84E should be as well

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huh neat, I still have hope we might one day get Air EC back, its been years since it was last run (im pretty sure the last time it was run the Hunter F6 was the top jet for the UK)

rocky canyon airfield change
no cloud zone around airfield im guessing