Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Exactly, Gaijins first pass will be an R-24T with some tweaks to drag and seeker performance

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Not even an R-27ET?

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lmao that thing genuinely looks like one of those small chinese electric cars you buy off of temu

I am curious about how VT5’s turret armor will turn out.

The hull clearly can’t be much, but the turret… look at this ENORMOUS composite block. It would be a very interesting vehicle; a mix of a light tank, and an MBT… it is currently labeled as “medium tank” in War Thunder. I wonder…

(Obviously, disregard the 8mm rubber-fabric label, it’s clearly WIP- just look at the thickness of it.)

I can imagine;

-ZTZ99A-level mobility and turretprotection.
-Light Tank-level hull protection.
-4 second reload with 500mm pen shell.

May be worthy for the Top Tier lineup!


Ha ha that was what I meant lol

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This might also be placeholder though, as all of it’s other stats are currently just copied from the ZTZ96A as well (also a medium tank).

its weird they mentioned the RVV-MD as its a export missile (not to mention a lot more advanced then the Aim9M having a 40km range 60 degree off boresight and the same type of IRCCM on top of it being thrust vectoring )

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I wonder if Warspites 4" guns are going to get their HE-VT. Being a third calibre, we cant view what shell types it has

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In a way, maybe; on the other hand, we already know Gaijin labels vehicles not based on their real life label, but as according to how they play in War Thunder.

If this label is correct, it may bean that VT5 is more akin to an MBT than it would be to a Light Tank. I hope so, that sounds fun! Proto-Type 10.

I just hope they give it the most advanced shell it uses in real life, instead of giving it a less capable one in order to fit it at a lower BR… ahem.

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I would hope so or at the very least HE-TF as base HE would make them pretty useless as a Dual Purpose gun

Yup, especially as they cant be manually aimed like the 6" guns and so have 0 accuracy vs naval targets with automatic fire.

But like Renown, I think Warspite should have HE-VT

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Lets hope gaijin will give us BTA2 apfsds. DTW-105 is going to suck.

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It is clear to me; if it gets BTA2, I will go for it immediately. If not, I’ll pass.

Unfortunately, I can already see them limiting it to DTW-105 just to keep it at a lower BR for whatever reason.


I wouldn’t mind the squadron one gettting DTW2-105 max and staying 10.7 while a potential TT version gets the better round and moves to 11.0-11.3. Iirc there were 2 models of the VT5 found, one that is now in game and another with some form of add on side armor package.

I think DTW2-105 is a good round for a 10.7 light tank with that estimated reload and mobility, a better round should absolutely mean a higher BR.

you will get that 2 seater harrier and you will love it

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I’m going from memory and I should double-check, but the Tornado MLU should be able to carry 5 GBU-32 and not just 3. These are MK 83 bombs, so the configuration would be 4 in total on the outer ventral pylons in a tandem setup (2+2) and one on the centerline pylon. This is the same MK 83 loadout used during the Gulf War.

In the available images, many of which date back to the UN operation over Libya, the aircraft is often seen carrying only 3 bombs.

There should be two bombs under the Wing pilons as well.

Hello? Is there something hiding in there?



Yes, you’re right, I always get confused between reality and video games because, in reality, Tornados without external fuel tanks, like many other aircraft, would do nothing more than a lap around the airport. :-)