Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Then there is the MKI which would be a Frankenstein of parts already in the game, not truly C&P, and which of all of India’s aircraft would make the most sense, both for its ease of implementation and that it is their most numerous aircraft

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Maybe, but I still dont see the point anytime soon. Whats the point of adding it with placeholder weapons. Better come when it can actually come with its IRL loadout of things like ASRAAM and god knows where it would go and ideally I wouldnt want it anywhere where Id have to grind it/buy it to get things I actually want after it. So would be good if it was foldered somewhere

That is what I said, ideally, we’d get the Super Sukhoi upgraded one with domestic Indian AESA radar, and though obviously it isn’t in production yet, we know a quite a lot about it

But even just the basic one with ASRAAM and Astra/I-Derby ER missiles would be better than R-73s and R-77s

and as for location, it would best fit right at the end of the Tornado F.3 line, after the most modern variant

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They’re not sub trees, but I also disagree with their current implementation, not sure what I’ve said that implies otherwise?
As it stands the GB trees official subtrees are ZA and India. So both should have tt representation more than premium.

So that would be a good year or 2 by my reckoning.

ASRAAM for ground attack aircraft with limiations sometime end of this year or early next.

ASRAAM for actual fighters end of next year or early 2027

I’d expect 5th gen IR missiles to arrive end of this year or early next year.

IR missiles will be a lot easier to balance than long range Fox 3s IMO, given that they can just tweak the seeker strength to fit the gameplay.

We should never see true to life 5th gen IR missiles really

Then given the only SA aircraft seen yet in the 5 years? is a badly modeled Gripen C. I think if any sub-TT deserves better representation it should be them first. Especially as they have aircraft that would actually fill some of the holes in the TT like a supersonic fighter for 10.7 or a dogfighter at 12.7/13.0 and could do so with unique aircraft and not C&Ps

I don’t know what stimulated you to make you so hostile and hate the vehicles of India or, to be precise, Russia, but I still want to waste time to explain that the Su30 Mki is a sub-model of the Sukhoi aircraft unique to India, just like the J11A/B in China. In fact, it was India that acquired Mki in 2002 and through the use and evaluation of MKI by the Indian Air Force that prompted the birth of the Russian “C&P” Su30SM in 2011.


Because where does the line get drawn?

Ukrainian F-16s and Gripens for the Soviet TTs?
Signaporean F-15s for China?
Saudi Typhoons for Israel?

Whats the point of the TT system if we just end up with one tree with litereally everything. Given the battle we’ve had in the past 2 or 3 years to get anything, and when we do, get them in a state where they are actually playable (Sea Harriers added in 2022 are only just getting fixed htis major update) I dislike the prospect of getting spammed with soviet C&Ps that will get all the dev time. Heck. The Mig-21BISON came with a bespoke and fully functional HUD in the same update as the Sea Harrier FA2 came with a placeholder HUD from the Harrier Gr3 which is only getting replaced in this coming update 9 months later (and its a buggy mess on the dev server). So its not even an unfounded fear because its actually already happened.

We spent the entirety of 2023 fighting for something usable (and 3 out of 5 major updates getting nothing at all) and in the end we got the Gripen C, which was disappointing and then we spent most of 2024 being told “you dont need anything new, you have the Gripen, stop being selfish”. The last thing I want to hear is “no you cant have a T3 Typhoon with CAPTOR-E because you have the SU-30MKI with AESA, use that instead”

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None of those are subtrees

Subtree additions also don’t supersede main nation vehicles, chances are we get a Tranche 3 Typhoon before we see the MKI anyway, and then the discussion will just go back to “you have Typhoon, you don’t need anything else” while the US and Russia gorge themselves on a brand new top tier every update



Singapore was about to come for China (based upon leaks) and If I recall correctly. Ukraine was planned for the soviet TT just before a certain event happened between Ukraine and Russia.

Israel is likely due a sub-TT at some point and god-knows who they will get

Perhaps… Given how long it took to get British light tanks after the mass spam of SA ones. I maintain my reservations.

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was todays update meaningful in any way? i cant find much of interest

Tornado A200C seems to now actually have some loadout options. Only thing I’ve found so far

I just cannot see a correctly modelled ASRAAM or MICA IR ever being ready for the game.
The range and seeker performance make it a nightmare. Are Gaijin going to update every nation with Spectral countermeasures?

9X and IRIS-T sure as they really are short range IIR missiles

ah, damn. only thing i found were some lines that were added to most top tier radar files that dont seem like theyll change anything, pl8b got suspension tracking i think but thats about it

Pakistan seems likely as the first Chinese subtree, and given the number of potential additions with PRC, ROC, and Pakistan, I don’t see them getting a second subtree all that soon.

Ukraine may go to Russia; however, it is likely that all equipment donated during the war will be ignored, bar maybe some upgrades to existing vehicles, Storm Shadow on SU-24, HARMs on the MiG-29, maybe. And Russia and the US are the last nations that need subtrees, they’ve barely enough room for their own equipment, so I see either of them getting one as unlikely, not to mention Ukraine just wouldn’t add a whole lot aside from donated equipment, which obviously was never the plan.

Israel, I have no idea, there are literally zero good options, my preference if it can’t get its own tree, would be South Korea personally, but your guess is as good as mine, I wouldn’t assume Saudia Arabia though, or anything for that matter, despite being small they aren’t struggling for additions really, at least for air, so any subtree they get should really focus on ground first

Yeah, its unlikely they’ll be all that good. Especially given the Britain tax curse, they’ll probably be a buggy mess. But Flame I think is armed and ready for mass reports

VT5 was added/made visible as a squadron vehicle, although it’s still heavily WIP still (most if not all of it’s stats are placeholders copied from the ZTZ96A).

that and the pars for the french heli got renamed to trigat