Wouldn’t the PL-15 be perfectly acceptable here
Japan doesn’t get anything you might be right
But the thing is pl-17/174/37 are like for high value air targets like tankers, AWACS and bombers how would they fair against other fighters or fit in this game ?
Probably with the inclusion of awacs and tankers, PL-17 was mentioned as a weapon option for the J-11B in the files but no data to it, so it makes me think they plan the inclusion of these weapons.
Unless they add any actual +14.0 air superiority fighter (the F-2 isn’t) from ASEAN countries like F-15SG, Rafale C F.4 or Su-30MKM, Japan is probably the only nation in-game without such a missile option.
There is always the option to add unfinished 5th gens Japan has developed before joining GCAP, but these could be too controversal again I think.
AIM-120D are close enough.
and none of those jets are true air superiority fighters. the F-15SG and Su-30MKM dont have any better missile options (unless MKM gets chinese missiles), and the rafale only if the operator has meteors.
best bet is to hope japan buys AIM-260 in the future
Yeah, there really is nothing for Japan, maybe if Indonesia buys Meteors for the Rafales it’s expecting, but other than that there is whatever they might be developing domestically and the AIM-260, both of which are probably years away for Japan
Doesn’t thailand has gripen e ? why asking to get rafale if so.
doomed to fizzle out i guess
For long range Fox 3s, Japan basically has no options for them
Unless they get a Brazilian subtree???
What is the problem with it, i’m not sure to understand, and anyway gaijin has no problem giving weaponry even if the country never bought the weapon, so japaneese f35 will most likely get whatever usa one get minus cas if it was not used.
whats the justification for that one?
no, if japan doesnt buy AIM-260 then it shouldnt get them
There isn’t one, but it’s like the only non-European nation available with Meteors
And tell that to the Germans and Italians with their Brimstone 1s and Paveway IVs
they should both be removed then
Well it should be like you say, but i don’t know, with the thai alpha jet, smin said something that it used the gunpod in german service so it will get the gunpod even if it was not allowed irl.
So as far as i get it would get it.
Sure, but they’re there, so there is a point to be made that Japan could receive AIM-260s on their F-35s for balance reasons
i guess. AIM-120D would still work though
what if they just have japan F-35 with AIM-120D at lower BR with other AMRAAM F-35 and have the 260/Meteor equipped ones at higher BR?