Sure, but increasing the amount of aircraft per rank is beneficial too
That is what happened with 4th gens, the F-14 was rank 7 on introduction, it wasn’t until more “rank 8” aircraft were added that the whole system moved up
sure, but I’m talking about trying to predict what will happen using info we have available to us, and rank 9 seems very close.
Like June or December is likely
December is when they drop new ranks in general, so probably then
I mean the British tree is probably as diverse or even more diverse than the German tree, but that doesn’t stop you guys from asking for C&P vehicles from a whole bunch of nations.
Agreed, I’m guessing it’s possible to do that with early 5th Gens too.
how do F18s perform right now on the dev server ?
C&P isn’t an issue at top tier, it’s all about fairness why should the US get tons of aircraft each update and let other nation scrape the bottom of the barrel over multiple updates.
to be fair america has largest airforce in the world
Oh I don’t care about the Hornet enough to care about which TT it gets C&Ped into.
I was just pointing out Caernavon02’s double standards.
very happy no candian f18 :)
Seems very much WIP.
Will likely end up mid as expected.
Having the largest air force in the world doesn’t translate into game and shouldn’t tbf
does it pull good FM is gud
It’s flight model is okay, good turn but dumps all it’s speed. Just hella slow, but also very much WIP so it could still very much change a lot.
So US should be severely limited and screwed over in future additions?
kinda does majority of countrys have like few main fighters while america has hundreeds along with russia
good as i expectted engines might be underperforming
if in return other nations can keep up and be near on par with the US then yes.
As it’s a game not real life this isn’t DCS it’s War thunder
It might actually be better than the ZTZ99A and VT-4, funnily enough.