They literally have the typhoon with the British brimstone missiles and a tornado with all the dumb bombs you could ever want. they get Soviet, german and American equipment from early cold war up until the edge of top tier they do fine.
Rank 9 will be for 5th Gens, it’s still near though.
and where does that leave all the major differences between the MKI and the SM, they aren’t the same aircraft, especially after the Super Sukhoi upgrades India did, it has a fully domestic radar and a whole arsenal of unique weaponry
That would make rank 8 very big, and rank 9 exceedingly small.
It makes more sense that rank 9 would include at least some 4.5 gen aircraft, if not most
Lack attack aircraft 11.7 ~ 12.7 between A-10C and AV-8B+
Heavyweight fighter aircraft 10.3 ~ 10.7 fill gap F-4C & F-4E, and USN fighter aircraft 10.7 ~ 11.7 between F-8E & F-4J
Indian MiG-29K guided Air-to-Ground armament better MiG-29KR
Gajin introduced rank 9 for aircraft top tier with decompression BR to 14.3 ? 🤔
Isn’t Super Sukhoi still a work in progress though?
Isn’t the “super Sukhoi” the SM2?
Also didn’t BVV_d address this during the Ru stream.
they have 6 jets in their top rank and they all fit that rank which is pretty good going. there’s a couple tranches of Eurofighter which could fill gaps far better than a hornet.
I doubt it, there’s not any significant enough changes between Gen 4 and Gen 4.5, it’s still the same Generation.
It’s normal that Rank 9 will be small if there’s only 5th Gens, the 5th generation is still pretty recent and all.
Honestly the only way I see Gaijin making a Rank 9 for 4.5 Gens is if they want 5th Gens to be Rank X so it shows more that they are on top lol
yeah, but we know quite a lot about it already.
Besides, it isn’t the only thing that makes the MKI unique, it is unique from the SM anyway, particularly when it comes to armament which is obviously a major factor in war thunder
I mean you’re talking about at least 30 years of aircraft development there.
Rank 9 could absolutely be comprised of 5th gen IR and long-range Fox 3 carrying 4.5 gen aircraft, as well as 5th gens
Super Sukhoi is the name India are giving to their own MKI upgrade program
India never bought it.
You can ask for this thing instead
what variant
They should just increase number of vehicles per rank to make space for cold war and 4th gen additions in the ranks where they make sense.
Rank 9 can be very late 4 and late 4.5 as well as early 5th gen, rank 10 can be full 5 gen and the latest 4.5 gen like F5 Rafale and T5 eft
Perhaps, Rank 9 would be full of AESA equppied 4th Gens with 5th Gen missiles and advanced BVR ones? Could be, but I still think Gaijin won’t add those sub-variants of famous 4th Gens, just look at the gap between the F-16A and the F-16C Block 50, they’re skipping almost everything.
I still think It’s more likely 5th Gens will get introduced at Rank IX, even if they are later moved to Rank X to leave their place for advanced 4th Gens after their introduction.
Do you think it would be possible for Rank IX to have the F-22A for the US while having the Eurofighter Tranche 4 for the UK for example? I really don’t know.
The number of vehicles per rank so far has decreased with every rank, so far rank 7 air is 82 excluding premium and squadron aircraft, rank 8 is 80, including the new update, so we are due a new rank real soon, that would make sense as the top end 4th and 4.5 gen aircraft, with rank X being the final rank
Still waiting for the VT-5 that was found in the files. That has the potential to be both a really fun light tank and add missing capabilities to high/top tier China ground.
Don’t think I could enjoy these sub BR 3.0 vehicles for more than 2-3 games.
EF-2000, F-2000A and Rafale C move to rank 9, maybe
But, rank 9 battle rating 14.3 or 14.7 minimum ?
The early aircraft pre-order premium rank 8 for soviet or japan or china in the second major update ?