Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

nah, will probably get J-10B that update so i doubt itll happen

If its gonna be an F-2A it better be the late since the early cant carry Fox-3s, only AIM-7s


It really should be both, if we’re being honest


yeah most definitely, but if I had to choose, I know what I would pick

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F-2A (early), F-2A (late), F-15C (late), F-15SA (to match Su-30SM)

Or they’ll add the F-2A early as the Japanese rank VIII premium and the F-2A late as the rank VIII tech tree version in the same update.

(No need to thank me for the idea Gaijin, you’re welcome)

what about an F-15DJ?

Event or Squadron vehicle of course.

Oh yes because the US totally need more jet’s, we got told one EF is enough for a couple of updates.
So I think the US shouldn’t get a top jet for at least 3 as they had three hornets


Seeing what they did with the Hornet, they might as well plan on doing that

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I mean the first premium F-16 just dropped for Israel who are the most prolific user outside the US.

Japan just so happens to be the same for the F-15 I believe, so it would make sense to have a premium F-15 for Japan

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hell nah, theres like 15 F-15 we could get still

17 with SK subtree

Honestly, I would gladly not have any new US aircraft for 2-3 updates if it meant that their top tier ground could finally get some attention (that doesn’t come in the form of a massive nerf).


So you support Britain getting top tier jet’s Russian and Fr*nch included which is about 7 in one update ?

??? when did i say that

They can probably add the more unique F-15J with built-in IRST as a premium/Squadron


Because it won’t be fair if the US got around 10 jets in a span of 2 updates

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Luque my friend let me, let me point this out ok.

The Su-27SM could already do the same relative to its peers… And in spite of that it still sucked, and that plane had more going for it relative to its peers than the Su-30 does.

Idc if the Su-30 has 12 ARHs… Because at the end of the day, the platform truly is what matters more.

you are NOT doing this. Not only are you so slow that you’re not gonna be able to BVR the other 14.0s, but you will take too long to climb and get up to speed

I mean you could do this but all that playing like this will do is either net you nothing because you loitered and your team tore apart the enemy team, or your team gets torn apart and now you’re in a 1 v multiple enemies and yeah you have no advantage in that situation.

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well US just has a ton of stuff to add. same with China at top tier and USSR across the board.

and same with Britain via it’s subs