Baseline 9Ms if I had to guess
ive heard its a 9M-4
I mean, given that there is no info available on the missile, we don’t know if it will be better, worse, or basically the same.
We don’t know that it will have an AESA seeker, and given that MBDA and Mitsubishi have been increasing cooperation with the JNAAM, it is possible that the Meteor will be integrating an AESA seeker soon anyway
it is, look at Meteor MLU.
but i have to say, its almost a given for AIM-260 to have one considering the advantages and that R-77M and i think even PL-15 have them
I mean, is there even a way to differentiate those? They apparently have different guidance control systems, but that’s all I know and there seems to be no way to tell the difference.
The M-8 and M-9 seem to have upgraded motors, but that’s it as far as I know
thanks :D
is that including 9M-2, M-3 upgrades as well? dont they add onto each other?
but i honestly dont know how to visually tell the difference
I don’t know anything about the 9M-2, but the 9M-1, the 9M-3 and 9M-4 are all just different guidance control system version from what I can find online
I agree it probably will, but there is no info available about it so we can’t really comment, but India isn’t likely to go all in on US arms, given both the history of the two countries and the current political climate, I think everyone is kind of hedging their bets with the US at the moment, no one really wants to rely on them because right now they just don’t look reliable
does anyone know naval leak list for the update
fair enough.
but i dont think defence industry really cares, they just want to sell as many weapons to whoever as they can no? and they are taking their shot at india with the F-35, and will probably follow on with AIM-260 (since its also made by Lockheed)
and we do know what AIM-260 looks like
There needs to be government sign off on all arms export, so maybe for the next 4 years India can get whatever it wants from the US, but after that it’s a big question mark, whereas they’ve had a perfectly good arms relationship with France for decades now, same with Britain though slightly less steady, it has looked strong for both Labour and Tory governments, so European arms are very much the safe choice for India.
Like I said, I expect they’ll basically have to buy AMRAAMs, but why wouldn’t they use the Meteor and the ASRAAM when they already have them and they’re already being integrated.
We also don’t know if the US will even allow export of the AIM-260 at first, and even if they do it may be limited to close allies in NATO/Israel
aim-152, aim-160, aim-174, aim-260
all air to air missiles
the painter lied on his resume lol
What is it now, are these boats being hidden or just disconnected from the tree while still being researchable?
Now that Su-30SM with R-77-1 and PESA radar is here, what BR should the Mig-35 with PESA radar and R-77-1 be?
- 13.3
- 13.7
- 14.0
- 14.3
- Reserve boats for the USSR (G-5), Germany (LS 3), Great Britain (MTB-1(1)), Japan (Type T-14) and France (VTB-8) have been replaced. The old reserves will be available for obtaining upon full research of rank I.
Anyone notice the Su-30SM HUD isnt quite working? Or is it just me?