again the Skysabre launch vic can operate by itself and would have a similar style radar as the stormer, so it would be impossible to know your being tracked because its all optical and the standard missiles are 20-25km range
Yeah, that jet is overdue. At least they have the best F-15C though
Well, that would be a real treat if it can truly work as a standalone system
Yeah, the CAMM is derived from the ASRAAM as well, so it’d be an interesting way to see how it will perform if they choose to add it
Pakistan is buying J-10CE, close enough
I wouldn’t say it’s the best, though it does have unique a2a options while completely lacking in a2g capability
They’re likely to be one of the first customers for the J-35 whenever it enters serial production as well
as far as we know it can work by itself since it has the option for that optical radar so I dont see why it couldnt work by itself
I just remembered, the Umkhonto IR (20km range) might also work on as a standalone system, but I could also be totally wrong here lol
None of the F-15C have any real a2g capabilities
So it could be J-35 vs F-35?
the US one has JDAMs and GBU-8s while the JP one only has dumb bombs
ADATS can’t lock in bad weather farther than 3km)))
might as well be dumb bombs at top tier ground though
And that alone makes the ADATS worse than the OSA, despite the OSA having its own list of major drawbacks?
It’s not unlikely, given Russia’s inability to produce SU-57s, and the fact that their own needs will be a priority, the F-35, even with US oversight should be their best option for 5th gen aircraft, not to mention that with ASRAAM and Meteor integration already being done on the F-35, it will be a very capable package, whereas with the SU-57, although I imagine they could do it, they would have to integrate their weapons themselves
they might have some issues with ASTRA integration, but if AIM-260 turns out well they might just buy those, or locally produce some of the parts, like with F-21 proposal
They already have Meteor missiles, so unless the AIM-260 is going to be significantly better, I don’t see them wanting to switch.
They will likely want to purchase some AMRAAMs though
does anyone know what model aim9m is ingame
there are other things the AIM-260 probably has over the Meteor that could make them want it more.
like AESA seeker