I think the no damage thing is due to the speed and proxy detonation system.
If you directly hit the enemy plane, or are firing at it moving away I am finding it to be fine with a near miss due to the proxy.
The issue comes when you miss a side/head on and the missile looks to me at least to be exploding behind the enemy plane. In other SAMs this isnt as much an issue because they have a larger warhead or are possibly slower, meaning that they explode closer/with a bigger boom to hit still. Rapier has high speed and a small explosive filler for a small range.
So really to get good use of it, you have to either fire to chase the enemy, or land a direct hit on them anyway.
My main worry was it being 10.0/3/7 with a impact fuze stock missile which would be rough to do and it being rather sluggish due to gaijins systems.
A 9.0/3 impact fuze rapier with the current missiles would be pretty good to have though.
I guess 10.7 UK received another great vehicle.
Imagine that going against 8.0 helis lol.
Can we folder the j-11 and J-11A now that j-11b is added ?
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Yeah, its why I would personally put it at 9.3 with the IR sam systems people have tbh.
Also can we get pl-8s on j-7-II NOW ?
I hope you mean the J-7E, not not the 9.3 J-7II
Edit: I don’t even think the J-7 is capable of using PL-8
I’d like to see PL-8Bs on the J-10 though, PL-5EIIs are good and all but they don’t have that great a range, and the normal PL-8 lack of IRCCM is a hard no to using them
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For the funni we already have 9L at the same br lol
My bad you are right J-7E I’d like to see them on J-10 too
I don’t think the J-7E can carry them, PL-5C seems a better option, just giving it an all aspect capability would do a lot, I only think the J-7G and J-7D can carry it out of the J-7 Fishcans
if it gets PL-8s it’ll need to move up towards 11.7/12.0 and that’s going to change how you play it quite a bit
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A-10A it’s a 10.0 but the compression basically means you see it in every 9.3 /.7 game
the A-10A Early is 10.3 and has been for quite a while now
They put the Grom-2 on the Su-30SM on the devserver 💀💀💀
I hope those don’t end up in the final update
grom1 is the rocket version
I think j-7E should stay where it is but another j-7 preferably G variant should be added
But groms-2 already on Su-34 on live…
Wait, is it? What is it with nations giving the more advanced versions of weapons a lower designation?