Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

i think that’s cause they use an existing thing in the tech tree and essensially modify it to new vehicle stats and model, Rapier, ADATS, 2S3M 2S19M, and a few more

isn’t the first time BR changes were announced before they came into affect on the dev server

It seems to be on a lot of aircraft with TWS and ARH, whereas on the F-15A for example it is just TWS, so I assume it has something to do with using TWS to guide missiles with DL?

It is on the F/A-18C Early too, which has DL AIM-7Ps

But not on the SU-30SM, so it’s not really clear

no , i already spaded my baz meshupar c and i will prefer it remains, give it the spice 1000 and spice 2000 it uses irl . and i dont object to having baz meshupar D, that can come later introducing the popeye

the rapier is alright, the the missiles sometimes just do no damage, very quick missiles,
and don’t fire the missiles over the front, they have a hard time getting track

definitely a decent SPAA, a more reactive and smaller Osa with less range

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has anyone else had there account rolled back as mine was up to date yesterday but today it is from pre firebirds

@Smin1080p_WT What is TWS+?

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it being 13.0 makes it DOA, every game will be against ARH missiles and EFTs it would be pretty useless

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in the dev server?

nope didnt see a reason to install the dev to try an SPAA that is gonna be pretty pointless at the BR its gonna be at

yes on the dev server i dont have anything pre firebirds but i did have it all yesterday

… so just as I said it will be half a year ago?

so whats wrong with it being 12.7 it would hardly be the first premium to be better then the tech tree version

This seems to be a bug in the dev server. Many players have lost their entire progression

Has the dev server been updated today?

well it’s objectively significantly better at Air to Air

if it goes to 12.7 the A as is rn can go to 12.3

I’d be fine with that, actually I’d prefer it as the A is the one I’m most hyped for

as an alternative if the A gets the same AAMs as the C Early has both can stay at the same BR

i assume there is no way to fix it

the TWS+ change might be the missile kinematic indicator that was mentioned

@Smin1080p_WT is there any chance for ahead fix in this update after 8 months? 1 parameter to change…

They probably find it funny trying to sell a tank with 5.5 tons of farts instead of armor. Bet they will later remove it from sales wondering why so little purchase this.

That’s great to hear, especially after seeing so many people dooming it would be a 9.0 worthy AA because it’s trash.
How long does the missile’s motor burn for, similar to Osa ?