Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

螢幕擷取畫面 2024-10-06 154003
i want F-2 sooo bad

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yeah i mean like the F-15 is objectively american and you can go ooh rah america with it but the F-16 is just so ubiquotous you can’t say the “nationality” of the jet is exclusively american anymore because so many people have them, its a bit like a jet gaijin adds to fill a tech tree, and so like the F-16 is american yes but you can get it somewhere else but if you want the F-15 you have to play a properly american style tree, like israel or usa tree yk



I must continue grinding the Chinese Light Tank line immediately!

Hey but its okay Sweden has other options right? Right?

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I moderatly agree, SU30SM missile count + that radar is just silly tho

Modern India has plenty of indigenous missiles and systems, and imported aircrafts use stuff that they wouldn’t in others nations… Indians are probably the only ones that can put American, Russian, European and Israeli weaponry on a single fighter

Give us the actual Indian stuff like the Arjun, Tejas, Rudra, Prachand, Marut, Ajeet, etc and the British export vehicles they operated then, not this Soviet slop


wasn’t even a sub tree, it was a minor tree like how australia is in uk air rn

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Armoured cars with big guns always appeal to me lol

(Whether I’m good at them or not is another topic entirely lolol But f-it, I want them!)

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I think they can add 2 VT5, one is the Bangladesh version and one is the full option export version with side armor and RCWS.

“Competitive at top tier air

Fixed that, it’s not like they weren’t competitive at top tier ground.

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in some ways south africa sub tree and uk its self tree has almost come to the end,almost no more unique planes can be added.what can we see its only some small changes planes…

yep idk why, would make sense since they have quite a lot of unique stuff

LAV3 or LAV6 is all i want for britain ground


Not really, worse radar than the Rafale and the missile count is only useful in 1/10 situations

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No I’d definitely want the Indian Su-30 because it’s actually unique from the Russian alternative.

Any actual direct C+P from the Russian air tree can stay over there.


Gripen works for CAS at least.

And there is still possiblity of F/A-18

Does China have any more top tier (12.0) MBT’s that could still be added? Or is what they have now kind of it?

螢幕擷取畫面 2024-09-18 183428
will they come?


some of it is just a hodgepodge of imports tbh, plus we’d have to talk to the frenchies about their M2K and raffael in the indian tree, or uk tree for that matter.

heck i am kinda for indian air sub tree because uk gets almost every deltacanard at that rate lmao

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