Yup, they did operated some British tanks early on, dunno how well they could fill Ranks 1 and 2, but they definitely could add some vehicles there
many people like superhind in fact,also many uk players likes and want su-30mki.the important function of the sub tree is to enrich the diversity of a tree,isn’t it?
J11B is supposed to be equal to the SU-30SM?!?!
Same BR.
What they heck is this madness.
They are leagues apart in every single way.
They need to make the J11B 13.7 with the A. Even that is too high, there is a reason no one plays it.
india is a Sub tree its perfectly valid to ask for sukhois, do I also hate it yes, but hey im playing with the hand gaijin dealt
I live for the Su-30SM cope, it’s genuinely hilarious that people don’t believe Russia should get something mildly competitive.
But F-16 is American fighter jet? Just heavily exported
i mean true but i don’t want another 4.0 nation start yk but still like except from the tejas it just feels like your grinding india for the sake of grinding india a bit
and yea if you couldn’t tell i don’t want another tech tree added really
We already have South Africa for diversity, India wasn’t needed or warranted
And again we have Israel which shows the path for similar situations, will probably not be too bad even if India has no ranks 1 and 2 at all
Imo it should probably raise the BR ceiling tho as it’s gonna slap around most everything in it’s current state
Can’t wait for the su30sm, russia finally getting competetive at top tier
yeah when start thinking about it even the base model su-30 would be rather strong, but adding the sm is just gonna be DCS handshaking fighting/dancing
dang dev server still not open?
All 14.0s will slap everything under it except for the 13.7 F-15s. Decompression is needed urgently.
Exactly, yet Gaijin still claims India wouldn’t be suitable as a standalone tree while also claiming to be planning on adding more standalone trees
Then I really hope ZTQ-15 can be in the tech tree
Just because something was a subtree once doesnt mean it shouldnt or wont become a full tree later.
Italy being the best example.
but now that it’ here, their refusal to add vehicles from it is just stupid.
You (gaijin) chose to give it to the UK, but refuse to give the UK their vehicles? Then what is the point?
and I REALLY Hate the “but the nation doesn’t need it” excuse they love to throw around because… yall gave france Leopard 2s that they didn’t want, need, or care for-