Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

If we are getting one today, it’s gonna be for the Fiat 6614 Firos.
However, there might just be no devblog today.

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I can’t predict the future (sadly) but I lean more towards 19th or 18th. Wednesdays are the most usual release day, followed by tuesdays.

The 2nd devserver (usually the final one) is underway now, that means we’re close.

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Still stronge that there’s no devblog, we’re at least an hour (two hours?) after when devblog is typically posted.

Man i was hoping to buy this to boost my Al-Khalid+MBT2000 line-up, but looks like it can wait.

This is what it is supposed to look like
Idk where Gaijin got idea that it looks like whatever it is ingame


Oh hey, it’s not the Fiat after all

So a light tank, eh? Hmm, wanted to get +1 for my top lineup (for ZTB04 is a bit lonely), but squadron and the prospect for TT ZTQ-15…

I’m honestly gonna skip because it is modeled hilariously wrong

I’m still excited for it, even with the basket it looks like one of the best 10.0-10.7 big cannon light tanks. With firepower even rivaling or even exceeding most 10.7 MBTs.

Then again, there is pretty much nothing else for me to be excited about in terms of ground content (besides the map visual overhauls).

it will be a good LT anyway, but gaijin’s attitude to it is really annoying
they even denied it having more gun elevation by just say real photo and video “unreliable”


They modeled a part of the turret interior to be the autoloader lmao

Not the first time gaijin massively messed up internals of a vehicle.

Look at the Scimitar where they tried to pass off all the optics and radio systems as fire control systems lol.

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and they even didn’t match the ammo with blow-out panel, the autoloader takes the place of electronic bay.

Yeah the ammo is too far back

This will be good for the players who like to play aggressively.

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Tbh basked isnt such of the issue (provided Gaijin aint lying about X-ray model =/= damage model). Would be damn nice if, y’all know, there was a way to see actual internals so we could learn where to aim for maximum damage

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for VT-5, X-ray model = damage model

Gaijin once again demonstrated their arrogance and ignorance.

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how many people from china play war thunder?