Wish they change the rp for the losing team. Don’t know what they did but came back to the game after a few months away and for some reason getting between 7 and 10 kills in ground rb now only gives around 1000rp?
How tf are you supposed to grind out things when half your team leaves after 1 death and you lose time after time because your spawn gets overrun after the first 10 minutes of the match.
Can they just change it so that time spent in battle and the amount of kills/captures gets rewarded? I’d rather have them punish the 1 death leavers with little to no rp then the last few guys fighting for 15 to 20 minutes trying to change the state of the battle just to end up with nothing.
I understand that a losing team should earn less then the winning team, but this just seems to promote the leaving after 1 death instead of a balanced match lasting longer.
I still don’t get what the 20th has to do with this.
The update either drops before then, or it doesn’t. It drops whenever it’s ready and if Gaijin doesn’t think it’s ready at that time, they will release it later.