Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

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F-22 got 9X in 2014 or 2015

again you say all of this but I would laugh so hard if it again came to the game and was just kinda meh and barely better then the top end 4.5 gen jets, because im gonna be honest at least in Air RB I doubt stealth will play that much of a role at the ranges we are fighting

The bare minimum supercruise requirement was 1.5+

It was meant to spend a lot of time supersonic, it has to have excellent supersonic manueverability, even Eurofighter GMBH admitted it

Everything I said had nothing to do with stealth. I specifically avoided putting that there

Continuing the discussion from Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3):

Does it mean Italy will finally get its first squadron vehicle this update?

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you know the Typhoon can super cruise up to mach 1.5 as well right?

I hope so, long time coming

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J-11B was only produced in 8 blocks (00~07) and the block 09 does not exist

true everyone that isnt communist is running 80s missiles at best

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Didn’t swiss trials show it only went to 1.4

And f-22 said to be able to cruise at mach 2, 60k ft by USAF pilot iirc

The real question is can the EFT super cruise at that speed with weapons or just clean. The F-22 can do it fully loaded.

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Well, amraam is from 1991. But yeah, generally older misisles on western jets

like looking back on this now a trenche 4 EFT can supercruise up to 1.6 (from what I have seen its more around 1.5 while the F22 is around 1.7)
The Trenche 4 also have very powerful AESA radars
I doubt the F22 has better supersonic manoeuvrability I could be wrong
that is one thing the EFT doesnt have so the F22 probably has better low speed manoeuvrability
and the EFT has more and better missiles

I wouldn’t say fully loaded. More like standard combat load of 6 amraam, 2 sidewinder

well we cant really see in game as the EFT literally hits the Rip speed at sea level lol

What about tranche 4 is different that bumps up supercruise by .1 mach?

And for F-22, I’ve heard 1.72-1.82 for more conservative estimate

And why is F-22 going against tranche 4? Unless it’s a late version with AIM-120D-3, AIM-9X-2, tested HMD, AN/APG-77v1

Ayit never had a PD radar, the WT wiki is wrong.

I would assume thats what you mean lol, also I looked into it apparently they are looking into adding TVC to the EFT which is pretty cool, im not sure how the ECRS Mk2 compares to the AN/APG-77v1 I would assume they are pretty close since the ECRS Mk2 is from 2024

lol, even in this short video, the WT instructor is fighting the plane hard.