Doesnt the MiG-29 have HMD with the R-27ER? Im not justifying the F/A-18 being 12.3 I just remember it having HMD and being really good at 12.7 the last time I played it
Luckily I spaded all of them. JH-7A as well, it used to be decent in ARB with that turn time and okay IR missiles. But like a hornet can carry 2+6 or 4+2 with superior FM and a better cannon felt silly. Even not in a downtier half the enemies a F/A-18A faces are CAS aircrafts that takes twice the time to turn.
Kurnass was so good before the br changes now its the same br as f16a wtf gaijin!
F/A-18A at 12.3 faces
JH-7A, GR.7, GR.4, Kurnass 2000: CAS aircrafts that has no FM and IR missiles only
F-4EJ KAI: dominates the FM with more flares
MiG-21 BISON: probably the plane with the best odds against F/A-18A, forcing an R-73 launch post-merge, otherwise screwed in sustained turns
F-20A: better in speed, armaments, cannons and avionics
Mirage2KCS-4: probably the only other that has some odds against a hornet
and when we look at what it faces in a downtier to 11.3 its just sad, we need decompression to 15.0 before update drops or the game is gonna die real quick
aw man
Again? Now thats weird
it can face F-4Es in mixed battles
wait till you realize what it will face in a downtier
the game refuse to go next
it knows
A-10a is at 10.3 grb with agm-65b, I think it has thermals as well? Can’t really remember and the servers buggered so can’t check.
Not saying it should be 10.7, but was worth an ask
They accidentally uploaded the dev patch to live servers I think
Mavs only have thermals from the 65D onwards.
Well this amount of server KOs were not present since the last world war event. Probably Chinese bots are mining the naval mode again
Devs are getting a bit sloppy, full crash to desktop at 4pm is random
happened to me too I’m verifying files right now
clearing cache seemed to work for me
Perhaps trying to get the patch that enables the purchasement mistakenly gets the dev server patch to the main game? IDK
Same here.
In case anyone having issues, just clear the cache and verify the files, it will fix the problem.
How do I clear cache for games through steam