As has been explained multiple times now, the devs are very much aware of the desires to see modernisation packages on the Finnish F-18 and as we have said now, several times just today, that is planned to come via a separate MLU aircraft later.
We never said the UK was going to receive one. That remains the case this major.
real. GB gets missed in most BR changes. people will cry “you just got a eurofighter” but who even wants to play top tier right now. 10.0-11.7 is a diverse and my favourite and br.
How about the future ?
I had heard it was undecided after the RU dev stream. Thx for clarifying
Could you answer this question?
I’ve been talking with some of them and we eagerly anticipate a response to our feedback
Yeah, problem is, the few people stubborn enough to put up with Gaijins massive nerfs they apply to Britain and Britain alone are also good enough to do well regardless.
Hey. Missile performance is not decided by polls / votes. It comes down to what the missile actually had and submitting evidence reports for the devs to consider.
Where did the Swiss Hornet disappeared? It was already supposed to come two patches ago with the Swiss sub tree,in the end we only got fake Hunter that wasnt selling at all so it got removed from sales.
Again why do we have to wait? When the whole problem could be fixed with one change. You’re trying to compare a vehicle that is entirely different than to the one that matches this. MLU 2 is a better version of the MLU 1 by a huge margin and warrants being added soon. The MLU 1 is essentially being skipped over because the devs dont want Finland to actually have a on par jet this patch is what you’re saying. The fact that there hasn’t even been slight mention that they are considering adding thr HMD from MLU 1 is honestly hilarious that they can just so freely ignore a problem
We never announced any Swiss Hornet or said it was “supposed to come” at all.
I am still convinced y’all just dont fly the FA2 right. :p
If its HUD gets finished this update, it will actually get played, but I cant think of any reason to buy the T.10 when the FRS1e and FRS1 are just so much better
Please consider this a final warning. Your questions have been answered numerous times now. i understand you disagree. But spamming the topic continuously is not going to change the answers that have been provided.
The PL-8B had neither Gatewidth nor Seeker shutoff. They are both equally ahistorical. Seeker Shutoff is physically closer to what it actually had (multi-element) as it actively avoids looking at flares.
oldest and best airforce in the world. Shear aura of the RAF is enough to carry Britian
:shrug: with the buffs coming this update I gave it a spin today, forgot how fun it is to bully with. So I’ll have to agree.
It was in the credible leaks with other things. And we knew Swiss sub for Germany was coming, which didnt came yet either. Disappeared just like the Spanish F-18 for Italy. Anyway, when we get the promised Hungarian air tree, with the Héja,CR.32/42 and Reggiane´s. As we know Gaijin loves doing lazy tech trees just by copy pasting things already ig.
So i have a problem and i get warned but other people have similar issues and don’t what a joke. Fine i won’t ping you again, its clear the devs had no interest in balance or giving Finland an actual useful addition so this entire argument was a waste of time, sorry for spam pinging you on this.
i have spaded it for performance with surprisingly a positive KD (ik right, top tier)