If where talking post war funnies, them 4x4 with recoilers rifle comes to mind (ex, Jeeps) for wanted addition.
Already had you covered mon chère
welp the Harrier T.10 is another let down for this update lol, I think the only thing im still looking forward to is the warspite (and the fact the Soyuz hasnt shown up either thank god)
Is the A-7E getting Mav Fs, AGM-62ERDL and AIM-9Ls this patch, given that the Hornet finally drops with those in the kit or is it being left to rot in hell?
( I’ve legit asked this a billion times now but some older stuff should get some love too instead of the hype-trained modern vics)
Not currently planned.
@Smin1080p_WT why does the US F/A-18/C get to have HMD and be 14.0 but the devs are so against adding the HMD upgrade from MLU 1. Why keep the worse jet at 14.0 with no HMD at 14.0 when HMD is an important factor? Seems pretty redundant to keep the F-18C at the same BR as the model with HMD.
If you don’t shut up for one min I will ask AI to do a summery on you
why dont you remove the MAW and make the plane more enjoyable with BOL?
youre already willing to artificially gimp the loadout of the T.10 in order to make it fit this role. Add the BOL pods and move it to 11.7 if its the much of an issue.
I hate that the game is becoming “you cant have this thing it used IRL because balance” before it even gets to the live server. what happened to moving thing around BRs when they where overperforming? what happened to accurate doccumentation. what happened to just thinking perhaps the T.10 deserves SOMETHING to make it on par with the AV8B rather then just a worse, british version
not that version implemented
tho most F18s are at poor brs
Ive been waiting for that style of cockpit for the harriers for a while so im deciding ehether i get it or not, im very tempted.
USA jets coming up 2nd and 3rd here is crazy
Sadge. Well, thanks for the answer.
Are y’all also planning to refine models according to block numbers, planes that include that would be for example F-4E, A-4s, etc.?
Maw is useless with 60 cm it will dump all 60 for one missile that might not have even been meant for you lol.
So far only the US model has the HMD still on its radar. The finnish model specifically just had it removed.
I wouldn’t its just worse then the AV8B NA
MLU 1 didn’t even come with the cockpit upgrades that present such a huge issue to Gaijin, it was just JHMCS and IFF plus some radios and MFD options
Yeah but i also bought the FGA.9 since its one of my favorite aircraft even though its horrible to fly rn lol
Idk why they don’t just give it the gripen treatment and hold off on all its upgrades except the ones that balance it to match the US model.
because thats possibly the worst thing ive heard all day