Again, go and make a bug report then
Scaling SP cost is pretty much a perfect solution, give the option for 18 fully functional Brimstones so that they can be used in other game modes, but in ground it is so prohibitively expensive to have more than 6 or 9 that by the time anyone could have done it, they’d already have a nuke or finished the match
And 6 brimstones + 4-6 Paveway IVs is a pretty good loadout, comparable to what the F-15E gets
What if B-21R?
Lost to time and space.
Gaijin looked at it, said it’s fake, then looked at G6 HVM, also said it’s fake, then left.
Well, what about the Crotale/Cactus SAM? Could that mount the ZA-HVM (SAHV) missile?
Surely they cannot call that one fake as well…
No, but Crotale is not at the top of the list, if it even is at it.
No wouldn’t work. I need the B-Oner.
And before anyone gets upset this was a real proposed upgrade.
Right, we are just about to receive our fifth(!) SPAA for 10.7, the entire budget for the British tree is probably gone by now
Dont worry, Planar Crotale is here to make you feel better
(It just looks wrong imo)
Thank you, planar Crotale
Yep, whether the GR4 should get 6 or 9 before costs increased exponentially is a worthwhile debate to be had, but on the Typhoons, 6 is certainy suffecient and past 6, the costs can increase signfiicantly.
But yeah, always made me mad that 2x Hellfires on the Apache cost the exact same as 16. Or running 12x 1k bombs on the Tornado Gr1 cost the same as 4x GBUs, (imo the unguided bombs should be much cheaper, but a bomb = a bomb, regardless of weight, guidance or quantity)
Is this new or just a repost from a while back?
Repost from before Halloween
Here 's all the new bombtarget structures, spoilered for readability:
And the new 1000metre x 1000metre dyn_bomb_target_chp assets, which are slightly different from the oil refinery ones added in the first devserver version

It would be helpful too to be able to modify loadouts during a match, allowing you to fine tune your loadout to you SP
yes it would, with highly configurable aircraft like the Typhoon, Gr7 and Gr4, would love that for SB regardless
Nope, Typhoons don’t carry nukes. The sole reason (and it’s actually the sole reason) Germany is/was even considering buying American jets is to carry the US nukes stationed in Germany.
You mean the super hornets right? No way they only wanted to buy JSF for nukes
Thank you though, looks like Germany stuck with tornadoes