Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 4)

Funny how it was 9.7 and then had it’s br increased and then added to other nations…

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Yup, everyone else had to put up with gun-only SPAAs and Stingers while the USSR players could just lob near uncounterable SAMs at you shortly after spawning

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Nothing has been dodged. This started off about the Soviets “locking out” the British from a ship, when they have multiple Revenge Class ships possible (let alone the countless other classes and sisters from those) and then suddenly became about the Italians. Who also have other possible ships.

Your point seems to be it’s ok for any nation other than the Soviets to have more than a partial number at a given BR.

Hey, any news on the early Tracked Rapier perchance?

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Would be funny as a part of PMC/mercenary or counterinsurgency themed bp ngl

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No no, Su-30SM2 it should separate vehicle from Su-30SM because equipped N-035 Irbis-E radar and Saturn AL-41F-1S of the Su-35S

I suppose gajin might add Su-30SM2 from russian navy to soviet/russian navy aircraft line, so similar to the Su-35S

The early 3rd gen targeting pod ?

But I want to replace placeholder targeting pod (AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening II) on F/A-18C Late

Add a Toyota with a gun or rocket launcher and you have the best BP ever

It was 9.3 on launch but so bad its worse than BMP-2M and 2S38

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Literally squad lol

I don’t know about the F4E being the best phantom BR wise, I’d be more tempted to say something like the FGR/FG or the F4J/S in the naval tree.

I just fly high and ccrp bomb drop on its location IF and big if my teammates are helpful and ping him for me so I can provide effective CAS.

After that it’s land at a heli pad and refill with rockets and 540 lbs to become the CAS every ground main so badly hates.

Given the .50cal suggestion version got put forward as a report, I would hope it comes too, if they are messing around adding a pair of .50cals why not just make the current 1 early and the .50s the late ^^

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Biggest issue with the F-4E currently is lack of block number. It’s a huge deal as it defines what the plane can really be capable of.
Once they get around to fixing that the ones we have would be mid service phantoms, directly post 'Nam.
(And then possibly a Late F-4E with insane cas and CqC A-A capability)

It’s certainly possible, but depends on if it remains a non-specific franken-plane or a decision is made to conform it to either the USN or USMC configuration, either way both the ATFLIR or LITENING would be able to receive A2A IRST & Missile guidance features as detailed in the reports.

The actual decision doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme, outside potentially limiting the radar and future missile availability.

End of line should be Su-35S (before 5th gens), 30SM2 would be redundant and heavier. They can add it rn in a nerfed state just to make it compete with the EFT and F-15E in climbing

(Repost) updated VT5, Bangladesh flag, updated DM and ROF


Hopefully the normal VT-5 is in the tech tree, though I’m expecting it to be a premium.

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no my point is the italins have a limited number of ships left and when the soviets have more 7.0 then literally the naval super powers of the globe at the time something is seriously wrong, limiting the italians because the soviets lacked ships is such a stupid idea, I dont see why these ships cant come in their native colours as well, I also want to point out italy will never have more 7.0s or hell even the same number of 7.0s as the soviets now, they have 3 7.0 worthy ships left, so please do tell me why the soviets get priority here?


cant wait for the US Nagato and locking japan out of it /s


Type 74 aggressor tank datamined(repost)


Not something I expected.