We conquered a quarter of the world for spice, among other things, that’s the whole reason black pepper is a common tabletop condiment
Black pepper is as much a spice as table salt tbh
Japan taking Singapore during ww2 doesnt take away from their restoration to British rule. Im not even going to touch the idea of Singapore going to japan with how evil the Japanese were there, I don’t mention japan to my cantonese friends for very very good reason.
well yeah, and the people of singapore dont even like them when they return so much so they rather joined with malaysia. Thats how bad the uk is. This just goes to show the UK literally suck when push comes to shove and when a real threat comes. Uk cant even keep/protect what they colonized.
infact, let me give you a quote from Mr lee kuan yew, the first PM of singapore
“what we cannot defend, its not ours”
Singapore was had pretty decent coastal defences, the Japanese intercepted a letter which basically told them precisely where to attack from.
still, not an excuse given UK won nothing against the japanese, for alllllll the might and glory of the UK colonization, but then you won nothing against the japanese… hmmmmm very telling
You just have an agenda against Britain and our descendant nations and will take even the most disgraceful opinions and stances to discredit anything related to it
i mean i dont like the typical us/ger/ru mains too, do i also then have an agenda against them? if so then im not solely against uk now isnt?
Fair enough, there’s plenty of places I don’t have the highest view of from political rubbish however that bias is that guys main argument. Other than occasional historical context politics are to be left at the door.
They need the help more than anyone I can get behind that, there was a suggestion for Chile to go to Israel yesterday which I thought was pretty good too.
Quite surprising as its a mainly Muslim colony and Israel has a history of annoying and warcriming specifically that group
R-74 export model. But it’s 4th gen IR Air-to-Air Missile like Python 4 ?
The early 5th gen IR Air-to-Air Missile for soviet/ russia fighter aircraft tech tree is R-74M, but no datalink and LOAL capable
Late 5th gen IR Air-to-Air Missile advanced because no lack datalink & LOAL. sbd equivalent to AIM-9X-2, Python 5, PL-10/PL-10E, AIM-132 (Block 6) and AIM-2000 (digital interface)
Thank you for the video, you should join us on the Rafale thread if you wish to where we’re focusing on reporting the aircraft.
The PL-8B rn is inaccurate, they also rejected the report to fix it :|
So India to Japan you say
ANDDDDDDDDDDDD you miss the part where i said i dont justify for them either. for like how many times now?
infact let me quote myself:
UK supporters try not to point to someone else when getting called out and use whataboutism challenge: impossible level
at least for me i dont condone us/ger/ru players asking for this and that or the whole world. WHy? because their tree doesnt need anymore help and its fleshed out plenty
I didnt say that, is putting words into other people’s mouth your personal hobby?
I can guarantee I can point out plenty of blunders from your own nation of origin. Try and handle a full blown war on the other side of the planet in the 1930s and it doesn’t matter
Well you seems to get one person and use that same brush with a hole group of people so ask yourself
: D
I hope he won’t leave the VT5 like that, it’s 10 tons too much, it’s not the right gun, and the VT5/ZTQ15 being a mountain tank its engine has a compressor making it go from 800 HP to 1000 HP
I don’t remember where I read that but from memory at “altitude” in the mountains only the VT5 has around 800 hp thanks to the compressor which maintains good oxygen compression in the engine but at low altitude the engine goes up to 1000 hp
The ZTQ15/VT5 is used in the Himalayan mountains, between 3000 m and 8800 m
AND you can, sure, but keep in mind uk, being the next superpower after USA at that time, who is suppose to be sooooo mightly soooo powerful, with the “MUH SUN NEVER SETS ON THE GLORIOUS MIGHTLY BRI ISH EMPIRE”
couldnt win anything against… the japanese, the very loser of WW2 and had to ask daddy USA to help…
Are the UKies really that powerful or its just…talk?
It is ZTZ96A stats right now.
forgotten army forgotten again.
Arguably became 1 of the most hardened forces on the planet after the initial knock backs and hit hard when it went back into the fight with Japan.
Theres a youtuber called HardThrasher who has a lovely series around the losses and victories he is working through. Though language warning (he also gets historians to assist him at points iirc)
UK successfully stopped the japanese army from reaching British raj.
Bold of you to assume its just one person when all i had to do was to just say something not in favor of UK gaming nation and the whole gang of angry mafias comes after me lololol
So let’s get this straight, you can vilify a group but that group can’t call you out, yes ?
So in the case of the Abrams, did people fake the sources about what was provided in bug reports? Or what is the reason for a “gaming convention” response?