It’s not currently planned for the A variant.
TBH it would be better to wait for more unique missile options before the UK gets the MKI, we’d currently be missing out on the ASRAAM, Astra, and potentially MICA, which would all make the aircraft much more interesting
thanks for you reply.
hope that aircraft is not premium…
Update cockpit F/A-18A & F/A-18C Early (USN) and F/A-18C (Finnish) ?
Hopefully F/A-18C Late increase countermeasures higher 60
Able to say if a premium or TT/Squadron at all?
This is for Mistral. It’s labelled as not a bug but I have been told by multiple tech mods it’s still open internally.
And this is for rockets on the outer pylons, I first reported this on the old forums and again on CBR
They have been sitting in report purgatory for years. If the French one is getting fixed then I hope the German one can finally get fixed too.
What about AAMs? Just L or L/I (M)?
And thermal pod, I hope it’s Litening III (or II).
probably, but …
as we can see now, indian sub tree is hardly to be discribed as a tree.unlike thailand sub or others
what a pity
other sub trees get almost every modern planes they have,but i find it is really hard to see indian vehicles to come
I can’t speak for the 18A and Finnish F-18C, but the 18C doesn’t have it’s cockpit yet when I was test driving it.
Personally, F/A-18A from dev server early service in early 80’s but pre AIM-7P service
BR not higher 12.0
Personally, depends on gajin
Might not problem change BR 11.3 → 11.7 and receive AIM-9M
Yeah we dont need the Su-30 yet. Maybe another 4 updates of Russian and US aircraft then sure.
Able to comment further on its intended loadout/BR?
Is it going to remain with Aim-9Ls at 11.7 or get Aim-9Li and move up in BR/remain at 11.7 and the other 9L equipped tornados move down to the correct BR?
Also, with Italy getting a “late” Tornado IDS and all 3 of their Tornados (the early, “middle” and now a “late”) IDS all equipped with Mk103 engines, can we please get Mk103 engines on the Tornado Gr1 as the previous statement of “The Tornado Gr4 has the Mk103 engines therefore the Gr1 doesnt need them” feels like a double standard.
I suppose might be CF-18 (RCAF) pre IMP or F/A-18A (RAAF) pre HUG
Didn’t you guy get the Eurofighter last update?
The GR7 is 12.3 with 9M
CAS wise the NA and the T.10 are the same/similar to the GR7
So if either the T.10 or NA had 9M they’d be 12.3
Yeah, we should get the SU-30MKI at some point but not anytime soon, it’d be better to get it either late this year or early next, whenever they start adding 5th gen IR missiles
Hi smin happy Monday :)
There is any planns to add something to israel exept the f16 premium?
@Smin1080p_WT Since the squadron VT-5 is modelled after VT-5BD, is Bangladesh going to be the operator nation?
I mean AV-8B Night Attack
But AV-8B Night Attack from USMC not equipped BOL 304 Dispensers, can’t higher 12.0
Some people for some reason grinded the British TT and not the Soviet TT and then decided they disliked the vehicles on offer from Britain and want soviet C&Ps added so they dont have to grind a second TT