That’s the problem. I have no idea what Gaijin will make the PL8B look like. I say that,just based on my experience in dev server now.
MiG-35S BR 14.3 minimum, maybe
But personally, gajin might add MiG-29KR with PESA radar and R-77-1 before MiG-35S. and not forget MiG-29KR & MiG-35S armed R-74M
Sadly, I never saw MiG-29SMT (9-19) mounted R-77-1
Given how the mobility of mig29s are no longer superior to flankers, they are just outright worse with less payload, but still 14.0 bare minimum its compressed enough.
Yeah, that seems right.
MiG-29M Premium (Egypt skin)
MiG-29K after SMT
MiG-35S after K
Any hidden gifts for Britain this update? Perhaps some CAS-aircraft for the 9.0-10.0 BRs with guided weaponry?
MiG-29M (9-15) might pre-order pack aircraft 13.7 to rank 8 ? 🧐
Nah, MiG-29K (9-31) and MiG-29KR from russian navy to first line
Under MiG-29SMT (9-19), I think
Its AIM 9M-4 I think
Personally I would put 9-41R after Yak-141 to cap up the naval line (which Yak line become with Yak-38).
Alternatively - MiG-29KUB
is this really the major update? are we not getting anymore vehicles?
March is often on the smaller side of major updates, June should be bigger
Though hopefully, finally, a ground focused one, though I have a feeling the trailer will still revolve around the F-2 and J-10B
honestly june is completely up for grabs. super hornet or more F-15 and F-16, early or late F-2, MiG-35 or MiG-31
ROCAF Block 70 please~
And the M1A2T
nah, will probably get J-10B that update so i doubt itll happen
If its gonna be an F-2A it better be the late since the early cant carry Fox-3s, only AIM-7s
It really should be both, if we’re being honest
yeah most definitely, but if I had to choose, I know what I would pick
F-2A (early), F-2A (late), F-15C (late), F-15SA (to match Su-30SM)
Or they’ll add the F-2A early as the Japanese rank VIII premium and the F-2A late as the rank VIII tech tree version in the same update.
(No need to thank me for the idea Gaijin, you’re welcome)
what about an F-15DJ?