Python 4 has been in the game files for 2 years, when do you think Israel has to use another country’s weaponry? Your silence is tiring the community @Smin1080p_WT
move it to 13.0?
‘Balancing’ the abrams and leopard through artificial nerfs is just kinda sad, guess i’ll drop the 2A7V now that german top tier has become completely mid
(Su-30SM blowing typhoon out of the water in CAS ability, squadron Tiger UHT in france and Leopards now becoming completely useless outside of a 150° frontal arc)
Slat armour looks cool asf, I beg gaijin that these are tech tree and not squadron vehicles
I just hope Gaijin can give us the actual reload, DTC-10 105, and spall liners
I don’t know where I should post this comment, but su30 with 12x r77-1 (with similar range of aim120a) with great radar and TVC is too overpowerd in my opinion.Normal r77 would be good.
i wish Slat armor actually worked like it does IRL. Gaijin makesit work like spaced armor when that is completly wrong. Supposed to stop chemical shells by catching the shell or breaking the fuze
They might be the same vehicle separated into pre and post T4 modification. But it 's more normal for armour packages to be part of one model yet hidden ingame until the mod is unlocked, so we’ll see.
Is the turret side armour getting thicker here too? Interesting that the smoke launchers move position.
It’s certainly powercreep but not OP (for air anyway), on the other hand it’s becoming the single best thing in the sky during ground RB
Looks nice.
Is there a way to show spaded under owned like you could in old profile?
Will be the one I use, looks nice although i wish you could have 2 more ‘slides’ as i call them, one for medals on the left and one for stats on the right
Soooo why does the Prem Netz get 3 times as many countermeasures than the Tech tree version?
There’s also two variants of the ZTQ-15
This one has the light armor package, small CITV, FY-2 ERA
Heavy armor package with FY-5 ERA on the turret cheek + hull, larger CITV
I wish we can see the ZTQ-15 in the game
So like a modification for add on armor or two separate tanks?
No each option is seperate, i wish you could have up to 3 options on screen as this is lost on my screen
because its a different model of the Netz that had increased CM’s