Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)


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I thought the server hampters name was Harry

hampsterS, Harrys on vacation rn I think

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I can’t believe it! I stayed up all night waiting for the trailer!

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was Harry the one died during 1.92 update?

i hope it will be worth it

Yep, first payment was done as intended, but further payments weren’t possible doe to the financial crisis. However I’d differentiate between willingly cancelling a deal, and circumstantially being forced out of it. If it had been possible for Thailand to follow through they wouldn’t have been allowed to back out in the first place.

Because it wasn’t possible to find another export customer the US had to adopt the Hornets (and with them the rest of the cost), but Thailand wasn’t refunded what they already paid.

Anyways, cope Hornet is still more justified than trialed vehicles like the Swedish T-80, Apache or Mi-28, especially because the initial payment was enough for nearly two of the complete Hornets. Though arguably they would just be slightly worse Malaysian Hornets anyways, which are a whole lot more likely.


harry never dies

Im rly starting to lose hope



What? Nooooo, why’d you have to leave us, Harry?!?

@Smin1080p_WT Have you deceived us?

too many polls here?

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  • attack the D point
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nah hes just on vacation

Hahahah, maybe- I could see the resemblance. Maybe it just hit me too deep in the feels for personal reasons, as I wrote back then;

And now… I gotta play some Eurofighter matches xD (first I must consume the booster I already activated for Chinese tanks though)

Has the YouTube playlist been updated?

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@Smin1080p_WT how many server hampters we have left? will server keep going?

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Phew, thank god he’s alright

If F-2 is delayed I will spam cope Hornet until it haunts every single Gaijin employee in their dreams

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