bro stop please
we got scammed by gaijin
Epic poll fail moment
If they don’t release the trailer today, I’ll act like a real man, start crying and complain to my mom.
It’s okay, that’s why the F-2 will be there right?
Gaijin!Where’s my trailer?!
We have a few more hours, it will come today you just wait
That’s it, guys, there won’t be any more updates to the game, the trailer is a hoax, we’re splitting up.
we got scammed by the snail
They just redid the F-16 one basically.
nah its the
this game is just an illusion, we are all in a coma
food coma
the server hampter is dead, time to find new game guys
where is mu trailer gaijin
R&R right now.
no!!! jimmy no dont leave us!
The developers took the money from the last sale and went to live in Fiji, there is enough money for the rest of their lives.