Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

it should be

Well, in fact, we need more two seaters in the game. For the most part they are balanced and it’s an option for those that don’t play meta everytime. Sometimes it’s cooler to play as the underdog. Two seater F-15, F-16, F-18, Rafale, Mirage, Eurofighter, Gripen are more than welcome in my opinion.

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Man motivates me to kiss the earth every time.

Fair, I also love goofy and fat looking planes

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Can’t wait for 2 minutes of F-18 and Su-30 and absolutely nothing else

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2 seater trainers OP, enemy pilot snipes 1 of them, the other takes over ;)

honestly, if gaijin is adding the Su-30 family i dont get why they dont just add the Su-30SM2, its has a much better radar and engine compared to the Su-30SM but they can always just add better weapons to it as time goes, but im sure they have their reasons

oh im just here for the Su-30SM :p idk why but i love the tandem flankers

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did you know that an unarmed huey has an air to air kill?


We have 2 of these luckily

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keep them for future, when better weapons are coming

Would be funny if F18s/Su30s go in the shadow of the trailer and this one focus on the widdest additions of this update : French-German join project xD

True, in lower tiers that actually can be an advantage.
Hasn’t happened to me in high/top tier tho, probably because in many planes the second seat is taken by a gunner instead of a co-pilot

true true, i just hope gaijin dont mess up the FM or radar of the SU-30SM and dear god the TVC

Nope. Never even met the basement guy. Their meme potential is simply too strong for us to handle.


F-15E and F-15I, yes. But I mean more like a F-15D / DJ, because Strike Eagle is twin seater by default.

dont forget to feed him lunch/breakfast/dinner

and eject randomly too


Part time and still everyone’s favorite community mod.

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