Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

We have been told that sweet popcorn is the choice of the day so far.

I am still contemplating if I wish to go get popcorn, sweets and some ciders or not. My local store has a bunch that is out of date tomorrow and are selling cheap xD (on all 3 lol)

I mean, would you really want a two-seater F-16 for the US?

why not? also when jester?

Let’s say it does come tho

Well why not? Folder it under the F-16C.

They should add certain buffs to two seater jets anyways

Would be great if it does. But my expectations is low.

I’m not saying they shouldn’t get one, I just don’t get why you would want one, considering two-seater variants of single seat aircraft are generally worse in WT

I’d love to, this game ain’t only about meta. I dream of F-15D, F-15DJ and US F-16D everyday.

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Can’t wait to see more… two seaters !


2 seeters Rafale B are visually more smooth than the basic one, love them !


yeah like the second pilot can report enemies position, incoming missle or like general info like in DCS
also emotional support

Anything to have more two seaters.

Also US F-16Ds are a bit different and don’t have the Israeli EW equipment or weapons, so they would still be distinct.

Id love to see more 2 seaters top ngl

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Im just excited for the SU-30SM :D but sadly it will only have the AL-31FP assuming gaijin isnt gonna do the buff like the rafael :(

(only the SM2 got the AL-31FM1 and recently the AL-41s sadly)

A USAF F-16D literally got the first F-16 a2a kill and first AMRAAM kill

Well yeah, if the co-pilot and/or RIO would actually do something I would understand wanting the two-seaters, but as it stands I don’t see why two-seaters would be something that people would want

Yes… Jester… Emotional support… Proceeds to insult you when you struggle to connect the AA refueling boom for the 50th time

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Dont forget F-2B with R2D2 XD


holy crap that is gold xd

Some of them look nice

Teaser today?