USA were afraid of its arrival on the market, so they opened up the US market to countries that didn’t have this access and had their eye on the Mirage 4000, how you call that if that’s not something made to stop this plane life ?
Also France is today the 2nd weapons seller in the world and was 3rd for some decades before, so i don’t see how you can say something like French stuff don’t sell.
Yea i dropped Wows because of that. If that its the only tier i would play of course its a massive problem. After that i didn’t even touch WoT again and i used to play a lot of League/tournament in wot.
Japan actually bought and owned the Tiger, alongside other German vehicles too. While transport to Japan wasn’t possible they ended up renting them back to the German Wehrmacht.
The only case in which ill agree to these edge cases is if money was exchanged and for whatever reason the vehicles never arrived (frenchies could get a lot ww2 stuff this way, as for some reason they didnt accept a lot of it after a certain point in 1940)
I mean for France, they don’t like to be tied to other nations when it comes to defense, even the concept of a Mirage 4000 is better than buying from the Americans
It is funny how often our enemies in war have French equipment though, if the US won’t sell to you, France sure will xD