I wonder, on topic of good news, do we need today more Popcorn is was it that for today?
I agree its a positive outcome its just hard to see past the negatives of how the out come came to be
You’re missing 2 other vehicles
bruh the us h34 gets a literal missile
While i want the walrus you cant forget the majesty of the float swordfish
Insert the “you know how little that narrows it down” meme.
SACLOS Bullpup is lowkey kinda busted
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my brain saw only 1 float at first and immediately had a stroke trying to comprehend it
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I see once again this thread is the peak of discussion.
Anyway, @Smin1080p_WT, I’m about to head to Tesco, should I grab some popcorn for tomorrow?
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waiting for teaser?
Get some painkillers for the headache he has from being in this forum
I gotchu.
Did they make one for fixed wing?
it’s unfortunate that bombers have to suffer that on top of their current state gameplay-wise, but I also kinda understand that it would be a lot of dev work to go back and model all of that
yea I know thats why im ignoring him now
You have one on your H-34 and ingame it is SACLOS for whatever reason