nerf the maus, it needs to be 8.3
if we dont get the Javelin on the Ajax the warrior CSP unironically will be better
are there any plans to update the models and textures of some of the older vehicles in the game to match the current standards? A lot of earlier aircraft especially look pretty dated in cockpit view
Thank you.
It’s a shame some continue to focus on the negative even in a positive outcome to a situation :(
the m45’s are the exact same mount thats on the m16 spaa its quad .50
That’s just saying it’ll come eventually, so still not really worth talking about
Where are all the bomber cockpits smh
I wish HoI 4 had this option, make cheaper ships via installing tank turrets though you get a small penalty
Is that why certain nations get more favourable treatment for equipment? Equipment certain nations never had, used or wasnt even more than a wooden mockup?
Look in the center of the ship, i’m talking about this oscillating turret.
nerf the abrams, too small of a turret ring
i mean, i didnt ask for the hungarian one did i?
I literally wrote “This is a joke” in the reply lmao (All good tho, there are some ridiculous request on here)
When are we gonna get the remaining ship-launched scout planes as techtree vehicles?
oh yea thats an oscillating turret (i thought it was referring to all the red mounts mb)
ohhh that would be nice, they could be like the os2u where you have to unlock the ability to research them
So time remove the Swedish T-80U, ja ?
I need my Walrus!
nerf the H34 french helicopter its too op