Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I thought the first oscillating turret was designed in 1915

And China with the M1A2T

i mean if we go that path either way germany trialed F/A 18s as well lul

a normal day at forum but with some germany suffer cope

I killed him




Hey they call me this in highschool lol

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if Polish tree then its M1A1 FEP
basically AIM but without thr heavy hull upgrade(i think)

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Well, it would be through Australia, not that there needs to be any reason for it to be considered for Britain besides that people want it

It’s not that bad lol


Its not like gaijin gives any abrams hull armor tho

Just remember this the next time someone complains about cut-and-paste vehicles. Sometimes the company does it to be cheap, sure. But most of the time they do it just to avoid all the playerbase whining if they don’t do it.


You guys think we ever see the S-37 even though it was a mere concept proposal? Single engine delta canard flanker.

And worse hull armour

Yep no DU for the abrams :(

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No, it’s the same case as the EAP/ACA/TKF-90

From 1977, way after the French oscillating turret.


From 1945 afaik.

France in 1939 made the Panhard 201