Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

For usa and thai :D

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The Sk 105 is Austrian. The only things actually French about it are the gun and autoloader.

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Amx 13 105 with the FL15 turret when



Then it’s more French than German.

Why Germany should have it and not France ?


It pretty much acts like LOAL in actual use, though

Because Austria has nothing do do with France.

Edit: had a freudian slip about the french

I present to you:

The fattest Wiesel


Jeez, maybe because Austria and Germany are neighbouring countries, have very close relations and speak the same language? What does Austria have to do with France exactly?

And French tech have nothing to do with Germany.


Dunno…? The fact they give Germany a vehicle that is more French than German.

When did Germany build the oscillating turret concept ?
Why Germany needed French oscillating turret to add to it’s already bigger lineup choices of vehicles?


I will say i will scream if austro Hungarian boats go anyone but Poland/eastern-euro.

Especially italy.

I mean, there is the weird connection through Argentina

He-he, justice has prevailed (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Kugelblitz? Begleitpanzer? Do you think France invented the oscillating turret?

ps. it was actually the British…


Well, in SK-105’s case that’s copy-paste.
In Mig-29 9.12, that’s different to 9.13 and Gaijin for some reason had 9.13 finished prior to 9.12.
All for reasons we may never know as to what prevented 9.12 being in a playable state.

the key point is it still needs visual contact, gives SPAA chance to fight back.
so for ASM-2 and AGM-84, it’s just ok to model them as normal FNF. the IOG or GPS will only help in final diving stage when enemy throw smokes.

There probably is a spoiled German main kid on their next door to their office, that’s why Germany getting these vehicles

Work on proper German Rank VII if you want to add something

It was me.

In 1927.


u are ignoring the part how france got the DF105 now as well


But Britain only considered it no? So not enough to be added.