Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Sadly I don’t have the M60 line grinded out yet becuase i’ve heard they are mid and so is that abrams so I stay away form 9.0 becuase I only have the XM803 but i’ll play it sometimes.


Not realy i am happy for other nations to get every vehicle they deserve of their sub tree.
I was the first to congratulate hungsrians to the 2a7hu. I am deeply in contact with italians for the german tech.

I am just confused why everyone immediatly is offended if sth would go to germany

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Hey! So we had some more discussions since Smin’s comment (Smin’s information at the time was correct, until we had more discussions about it) and the following will now happen:

  • Germany will get it too, it will be called the Pz.Sp.Wg.P204(f) PaK
  • France’s one will have a name change to AMD.35 (PaK 38)

Thanks for your feedback!


It’s a Leopard tho

Welcome to the forums.

There are only two rules:

  1. If you can make any excuse, to deny the UK a vehicle (including domestic) then it is good.

  2. If you can use the excuse to give the vehicle to the big 3 then it is good.

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Yes. There’s been a lot of news circulating on the internet regarding their 5th gen jet procurement but most those articles are written from a nationalistic perspective so it’s quite hard to verify those news.

Thats another matter yes. Falls under export rules.
But doesnt change the chally 130 stuff

Oh wow.

So whining does work lollll.

Still right decision tho.

I get your logic … but by that logic, it should be both German and British.
But since Germany has more projects to choose from, lets keep Big boi Chally for UK tree only, yea?

So the Leo 140 would be fine for Germany and there would be no need for Germany to get the Chally 130.

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Well always fun how easily you rile up britains when u mention the chally 130 is german developed and never touched uk soil

Its the Challenger 3TD with the 130mm gun in it with fake add on turret armour

Its not going to Germany

Womp womp

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Hell. Yeah.

Look at my comment

Again i dont want the chally 130.
I am just stating the factual right things.
That geemany has claim to it

adding taiwan m1 abrams to china would be fun, cuz only usa have abrams in the game right now


Happy to see it’s works when it’s the German that are crying, but like for the DF105 when it’s the other way around…

Like for the help they got because they were not happy with a sidegrade leopard PSO, and France was in the same case with the AZUR, only one country was listened, talked and rassured, then gifted.


*shrug *