Yeah I love playing the HSTV-L with the F16C because I don’t have the F-15E. I just get way more kills while playing russia.
And not even most Germans that I know of hahah.
This is the first time I see someone suggesting that a Challenger should go for Germany.
I do not understand- Germany has like a dozen improved and uparmored Leopard options, all of which are better than any Challenger… and someone wants to take it away from U.K? :/
I only got the f15a, but I’m more of a f4/Vietnam guy
Spanish, air has been behind ground in additions for years.
Of course they’re going to get more later on, that was always going to be the case.
That’s fair, I love the 8.3 lineup.
Also funny that Germoney get the pack variant and France the GE variant of the Clovis…
France have 5 GE vehicles, 6 with the clovis and only one premium pack from rank 4 to rank 6, and no premium at rank 7
Usual treatment of favor by Gaijin.
There is absolutely no way Lion, at 40,000 ton 9 16 inch with 14 inch belt is the same br as Yamato, a 70,000 9 18 inch with a 16 inch belt, or Montana, a 65,000 12 16 inch with 16 inch belt. Two knots in speed does not equal a 50% size disadvantage lmfao.
Just use the swiss leo 140mm?
What are we taking way?
It can be added to both.
Fact it its german.
And everyone else gets leopards.
Fact is chally 130 amd Kf51 are both just as likey.
Gajin might decide to make Kf51 hungary and italy exclusive
Germany has no definitiv uspcaled modern vehicle yet.
I only named the possibilities.
Its factual right the chally 130 is a geeman project to advertise the 130mm cannon against the nexter cannon.
I have sources and prove for every statement i made.
I am only stating the factual right things, to keep the history of every vehicle intact
9.0 is pretty good too for ground xm803, m247 IMP chappal, m60a3 TTS heck even the M41A1 (yes I uptier that thing)
Seems pretty obvious to me that the German tree sells far more than the French tree. If this is purely for profit reasons, honestly it’s perfectly logical for Gaijin to favor the tree that makes the most money. It’s already nice of them to give it to both trees…
Swiss is not a subtree yet. Nothings defined.
Besides wouldnt fall under modern one.
Chally 130 stays german no matter what u say
Sure it’s “normal” to favor the TT that bring the most money.
But if you do nothing and let the others TT rotting on the side with NOTHING to bring in money, gaijin’s choices are clearly in favor of keeping it that way.
Honestly i would prefer ours being GE.
I have GE lying around dont know where to put
any more news today?
Let Magazine cook
That answers my suspicion, you are just salty that germany is represented as the export success it is irl
As i said, swiss not a subtree and doesnt change the nationality of the chally 130
Yeah well. They do what they wanna do, no point in complaining about it.
To be frank, I’d rather have a pure french pack for France, like, I dunno, a Gulf War Daguet AMX30B2 with the camo net and the bags, or one of those AMX 10 prototypes, rather than this thing. And who’s to say these ones won’t come at one point of another.