This has got to be the first update season in a while where the dev blogs are all older vehicle vehicles. I’m also super surprised there hasn’t been a plane yet. Also there is a lot of single dev blogs a day which is werd
Would be perfect if there were some older planes as well ;)
I thought Pakistan were planning to buy the J-35
its almost as if ground has its modern vehicles already. I dont see what you’re getting at. the M1A2 is the most modern tank the us has in service (and its modifications)
We are in an age where ground based combat is ineffective compared to air based ground attacks. unfortunately thats just where we are at with modern combat
Pakistan has indeed shown interests and is considering to purchase J-35s with PLAAF standards
I made this 9 months ago, so some information is outdated (no Italian 2A8, etc), and it also includes some vehicles that would not be ready yet (Strv 123A, KF-51… since it was meant to be long term too), but point still stands; that statement is not true.
And this is ONLY for MBTs. If we add SAMs, Light Tanks, IFVs, etc, the list would be even longer.
Oh, and did not even include many tanks, like the Object prototypes for Russia, etc.
TBF Air has only just entered the 2000s, so last year was more of a catching up than anything
Well the current Rafael model is from 2019
Interestingly though, it did not only catch up, but also surpass ground by a long margin when it comes to the C*S vs SAM interaction in Ground Battles.
SAMs have had the same capabilities ever since 2023 (worse in some ways, after the SACLOS nerf, even), which already struggled with its opponents, while planes doubled their CAS capabilities.
*shown interest in KAAN, as well?
Is anything about additions to the swedish tt known. If not any guesses/suggestions as to what might come this update
This ^^^
Lots of airframes where much needed for aircraft to bring the tech trees forward.
The tanks spanish mentioned are just “T72 but more attachments” or Type 10 but different chassis or this isnt even in service yet M1E3…
Well, same can be said about “F-16/F-15/SU-27 with more missiles”…
It’s just how war machinery development and evolution works.
That one said coming soon. I’m guessing it was to imply it will eventually be in service in the next 6 years so it can be added.
I do agree with the SAM systems, they are much needed. also unique chassis and major upgrades to vehicles or different weapon systems are cool and needed. but nobody even wants another T72 or Type 10 if theyre just more of the same.
Precisely! About half of the tanks in the list could be implemented already, while the other half is: “these aren’t ready yet, but will be ready by the time we have already added the ones that can be added”.
I feel like for Japan it’d be better to just list the Thai Oplot-T and VT-4, since 99-0240 just adds mine roller plates to what would then be the 3rd functionally identical Type 10, while both the 48t package and APS integration are either not publicly revealed or just not done yet. They can still be included, but with a “(soon)” like the M1E3
I don’t think Thai was added at the time he made this
Oh, yeah! Back when I made this, 10 months ago, we still did not know Japan was going to get that subtree, so I did not include it. As you said we now got even more options via newly announced subtrees.