Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

What are you even trying to say?

First, you say CAS outranging SAMs is perfectly fine because suppossedly SAMs can “bait” CAS into getting into the SAM’s range by hiding and “forcing” them to get in range to get them, as if it were some kind of 1v1.

When I say that this only leads the CAS to continue destroy the team unoppossed because they have no reason to “chase” SAMs when they are not a threat anyway, you say that “why care, team play is dead”.

What’s your angle? What’s your goal?


you got the namer already why bother

GOOD I am mad at israel, the Ra’am is the main reason behind the atrocious state of top tier rn.

Its a leak, nothing official and not even remotely the entirety of whats coming

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Man I am very good at reading I swear

Farming the hell out of the game? Hello?
Reading comprehension much?
If I want teamplay I go squad up or play TSS, why would I bother with a team lvl 7 top tier premium buyers? Or, to complete the whole thing, even some lvl 100s that don’t even know what they’re doing.

Most of them don’t realize the power of team play or useing terrain.
Like I can get a squad member to bring a F15 with GBU-39s to mess up the pantsirs radar and fire a AGM-130 to guarantee a hot. Making it easier for my more maneuverable F-16 to clean the tanks and other spaa out.
Or you just use terrain and toss the GBU-39 against the single cell spaa players standing still.

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Wait till dev to say this Smin as can’t comment on leaks. Even then they may say that “the dev server isn’t final”

Wow the namer
A overtierd and very wrkng implemented and nerfed light tank
Dude israel meeds spaa and merkava rework

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This was the F-2A if someone had doubts.


Air players fighting over which new (somwhat) exciting leaked aircraft should go to which tree, meanwhile I’m trying to find any ground vehicle on the leak list to actually be excited about.


wait another 5 yrs for 10 yrs straight no israel change then sure


Who was the source?

You do realize not everything that not everything coming this update is on this list, right
Also, pinging smin about “missing vehicles” in a leak list like he’s allowed to react to leak lists and like he can do something about it is…hilarious


do you have any NOTION of what you’ve done?

Hold the line men, the Jap-mains are coming!

95% will come its very relaible leaker

and im just hoping Warspite isnt as broken as Rodney was :D

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stealing this poems for my next british class

ok, I forgot this thing again. It’s not a 11.7 CAS in my mind since it came to game, it’s surely downtiered.
it’s like JH-7A belong to 11.7 and it’s one of the best in it’s kind. F-111F is something from higher br and it don’t belong here in 11.7.

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