Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

so like what is the source?

And by forcing the plane, to have a shot against you, close the distance and make themselves more vulnerable?
Idfk know man you tell me

So because you play CAS badly, it therefore means all CAS players are bad and therefore CAS vs SPAA is balanced?


Why would the plane willingly get into my weapon’s range to kill me, instead of… just ignoring me while I am not a threat to it, and take the chance to keep killing teammates, which is what happens most of the times?

Hiding does not force the plane to “hunt me down”, it only makes it not even worry about me, as if the range difference wasn’t enough lmao


Luckly all truck sams got an nerfed reverse gear which seems to be just an fake nerf…
Trying to find more infos on FlaRakRad… Currently I got answers from A few Museums Indicating that the reverse speed should be around 20 km/h and not the below 6km/h we have…


Even when planes get into the maximum range of an ADATS (would mention stuff like the OTOMATIC, Chaparral and OSA as well, but that seems pointless) it is incredibly easy to just counter the SAMs.

Granted, the ADATS would work a lot better if we had some kind of lead marker, but even then you can easily drain the missiles of their energy by maneuvering a bit.

Now, I am not sure about the Tan-SAM, but I don’t usually see them getting kills against anything other than the low skill CAS players that don’t maneuver.

At this point I just hope to see it without a borked flight model and radar lol

If i do it badly I pay the price, so what? I actually have more time in AA than in CAS but I wouldn’t say that exploiting the fact that people are bad when im in a plane is making me cope about it lol.

most of the time a jet spawn either does nothing or dies mid CAS run.

We just remember the ones that wipe out the entire team, because that stands out more than picking the 50th F-16 of the day out of your teeth.

The average CAS player is kind of tragic. It’s the ones with 2 brain cells to rub together that cause problems.

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really hope they don’t bork the fm. They’ve been bad about that lately. would make the f2 the smt of f16s.

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Team mates?
You mean hostiles in blue?
Why even care lol, team play has been dead since that one fateful vote bud.
And boy don’t open that book.

what vote

it’s the best 11.7 CAS, but now the top is 12.7. China TT has even no IR guided things.

Read last sentence. I really can’t bother with rethreading that redditard crap.

@Smin1080p_WT can we expect another dev blog

Porbably not

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Nothing for israel??
Not even a spaa?
@Smin1080p_WT help?


Uh, glide bombs, we got big boom, Russians only one big boom, we got 4, we better, uh, uh, uh, we got good cas, uh

that’s confidently incorrect when the F-111F exists.

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Thag and wher Sabruh Mk2? The mk1 is already a blast