Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I hope they add SLAM and JSOW to F/A-18

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time to reference my favorite meme.


Even the devs have acknowledge it as an issue in last year’s CM covert disclosure.

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Personally I still hope/wish for a CF-188 for the UK(you already know my ideal CF-188 to Aussie Super for the UK)

But if the hidden F-18 is the Finish one, I’ll be a bit annoyed. We I’d like my Commonwealth Hornet, I don’t need it, however Finland’s one not coming feels wrong.

They’re only doing that because most top tier players rush up to there and then get shafted ( i said most but still, should make some people reflect a tiny bit)

I killed all there pantsirs. The death was on the pantsirs who were not smart enough to move there broken spaa.

I think I’m not getting your angle… it is at times like this that I remember that I’m not a native English speaker lmao

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Don’t start acting like an ADATS or a Tan-SAM is able to do anything against (proper) top tier CAS.

Moving around might keep you alive, but you still won’t be able to touch planes that just fire their weapons from outside of your SAMs range.


I’m no native speaker either but I believe I got my point across in a comprehensive way.
Though it’s sad not as many people don’t get the bigger picture of it, at the same time though it’s the kind of people whose tears I feed on.

You are all looking at the wrong thing, we need the falcon missiles


Read the Capitals only!




AIM-26A please

I’d rather get more beam-riding missiles, but early SARH is also fun

I’m glad I live to see the day the F-2 ends up on a leak list


Also yes with better sam’s comes better missiles

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It’s very simple: if most SAMs have a 10km range, and a plane’s weapons have a 15+km effective range… there’s objectively nothing that can be done as long as the pilot has more than 2 braincells and launches their missiles before getting into SAM range, which is what most do.

There is no “cope”, there is no “skill issue”. It is only an objective fact, one that even Gaijin finally acknowledged which is why they are now working on more capable SAM systems.


It’s been too long

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man next update really is going to be rat hunting season isnt it

I dunno man but I do believe that opportunistic shots are a thing and that no tard stays out of AA range to not guarantee a kill.
And yes, some AA is worse than the other but for spotting it and tracking it a conventient cheat exists ( it’s called T-6-1, look it up, I personally believe it should be a silent command and have lower cooldown)

@Smin1080p_WT Second devblog today?