That being said, its radar is incredibly annoying sometimes, as well as HQ17’s and TOR-M1’s; for some reason, they will more often than not lose lock on the plane by automatically locking and switching the tracking to bombs, missiles and chaff every time!
That plus consider the fact that especially at middle tiers the AA for every nation’s become quite strong.
The Stink is near impossible to strafe, the Subaru is a rat af, the Z45 is a menace. And that’s just some examples.
Idk why people still cope about cas lol, admitting skill issue is the bigger problem here.
Hmmm… now I wonder: will F/A-18C and F/A-18E be on the same line, or will they sit on different lines (for example, one on the F-14 line and the other on the Harriet one).
eh, it is still incredibly annoying, and the problem at the end of the day for just about every BR. Is that you as the ground vehicle they’re targeting. Really cant do anything to defend yourself.
Hypothetically you could smoke to block vision but, that implies you’re aware you’re the target.
I think CAS is fine - until we get to stuff like SU-34, Rafale, etc.
Specially SU-34; because it can’t face the only SAM that could more reliabily counter it, the Pantsir. Most SU-34 players will launch all of their KH-38s and turn back to rearm before even getting in range of the other nations’ SAMs.
That’s massive copage right there.
When you spawn AA and sit in ur spawn even a P-40 will own you. You have a map to play down on the ground iirc. Idk what to do with that info tho cuz lack of brains amirite. If you haven’t figured it out yet, being an annoying little sh*t is what the game’s about.
But hey, enjoy top tier lol
Ironically the Su-34 scares me the least of the top tier CAS offenders. Because it’s absolute garbage at defending itself.
The Rafale and F-15E can simultaneously ravage the battlefield the same way the Su-34 can, while being almost untouchable by CAP because they also happen to be some of the best jets in the game.